When to follow-up with an employer after a job interview

Two creative designers sitting in meeting in modern office, woman with note paper and pen listening to man with cheerful expression
What should you do in you never hear back after a job interview? Photo: Getty

Job applications are often lengthy processes, with multiple questions, forms, written tests and more. If you’re lucky enough to get through to the interview stage, you would hope to hear back about whether you’ve been successful or not. So what do you do if you are hit with silence afterwards?

Getting ‘ghosted’ after a job interview is common. While originally associated with the world of dating, ghosting means to have all lines of communication cut off without explanation. According to an analysis of more than 150,000 interview reviews by Glassdoor, mentions of ghosting have tripled since before the pandemic – and have risen by 208%.

For job seekers, not knowing whether you’ve been successful can be incredibly frustrating. Moreover, it can undermine your confidence as you move forward in your job search. So if you think you’ve been ghosted by an employer after an interview, what should you do?

Think about why you’ve not heard back

First, it’s important to consider why you’ve not heard back. It may be that the hiring manager is on leave and that the process is therefore taking longer than usual – and they may still get in touch. So if you do send a follow-up email, it’s best to keep your frustration under wraps.

Wait a week or two before getting in touch

It’s worth checking the original job post to ensure there is no time frame indicated. If not, it can be a good idea to wait two weeks before following up after an interview, according to the firm Remote.co. This should give the hiring manager enough time to consider your application and make a decision.

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Check your network

If you found out about the job opening through your network, consider reaching out to that contact instead of the hiring manager. Additionally, if you know someone at the company, they may be able to explain why you haven’t heard back. For example, if there has been an issue that has led to disruption, or if the person who interviewed you is off sick.

While your contact may not know the status of your specific application, they may be able to get the inside scoop on the hiring process in general – so you have some idea of where things stand. A company’s social media accounts may also provide information, for example, if they’ve had a big event that has taken attention away from the hiring process.

Send a polite but firm email

If you decide to get in touch, email is usually best. If you don’t have the hiring manager’s email, you can use LinkedIn too. Although you may be frustrated or angry, it is important to stay calm and be polite and concise.

State who you are and why you’re contacting them. Emphasise your interest in the position and mention one skill that makes you the perfect fit for the job. Thank the recruiter for their time, and state that you look forward to hearing from them.

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Keep it professional

If you’ve followed up once and still haven’t heard back after a week or so, you can try emailing again. However, if you still don’t hear anything, it's time to let the job – and potentially the company – go. It may be that the company has a very slow hiring process, but it could also be that your application wasn’t selected.

It may be a disappointing end to a long and drawn-out process, but there may be some positives. For example, if a company is happy to ghost interviewees, they may not be the kind of organisation you want to work for.

You may never find out why an employer ghosted you, but it’s important not to let this hold you back in future applications. If you feel it’s appropriate, it can help to share your experience on an employee review website. However, make sure you stick to the facts and offer constructive feedback – this will help other job seekers who are considering working for that company.

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