Trump posts heartfelt Valentine’s Day message to Melania – in campaign email asking fans for cash

Donald Trump posted a Valentine’s Day message to Melania – in campaign email asking fans for cash (Getty)
Donald Trump posted a Valentine’s Day message to Melania – in campaign email asking fans for cash (Getty)

Donald Trump sent a gushing Valentine’s Day message to his wife, Melania, as part of a campaign email asking supporters for donations.

The former president thanked his FLOTUS for standing by her husband despite the litany of charges – both civil and criminal – against him.

“Dear Melania, I love you. Even after every single indictment, arrest, and witch hunt, you never left my side,” the excerpt from the email, sent out on 14 February read.

Mr Trump’s rival for the GOP presidential nomination, Nikki Haley, also jumped on the Valentine’s Day bandwagon in a campaign email of her own, though took a somewhat less loving approach.

An email from the campaign sent out on Wednesday listed a collection of “love letters” sent by Mr Trump to “dictators around the world”.

The former president thanked Melania for standing by him despite all the charges he faces (AFP via Getty)
The former president thanked Melania for standing by him despite all the charges he faces (AFP via Getty)

“Trump has professed his love for the world’s most brutal dictators and praised their strength and leadership skills,” the email read, citing some examples reported by the New York Post.

“He [Kim] wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters. We fell in love,” Mr Trump has said, referring to North Korea leader Kim Jong-un.

In another, he said: “He’s strong like granite, he’s strong, I know him very well, President Xi of China… what can I say: he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron hand.”

Mr Trump has also been reported as saying: “I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory (in the past, Obama called him also). The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong!”

The Republican romancing came in contrast to Democratic efforts to spread Valentine’s Day cheer.

On Wednesday, the White House was adorned with a “Valentine to the Country” from First Lady Jill Biden – featuring “messages of love, gratitude, hope, and optimism.”

Pictures showed the grounds of the White House covered with large candy hearts and cards. A special postbox was also set up for sending Valentine’s cards.

However, the administration could not help posting a less loving jibe, with a post directed at House Speaker Mike Johnson.

“Roses are red, violets are blue. The border deal was crushed, because of you,” the meme read, next to a picture of Mr Johnson.