Regulation of AI begins with creators

(Dominic Lipinski/PA) (PA Wire)
(Dominic Lipinski/PA) (PA Wire)

Some of the loudest voices at this summit are likely to be those of the big technology companies leading the development of artificial intelligence.

Many will be calling for stricter controls to be put in place, but we need to be wary of those crying “regulate me, regulate me”.

Governments, lacking deep expertise, might end up relying on these same technology leaders to help them craft the rules. The result could easily be a lack of transparency and barriers being placed in the way of new market entrants.

To achieve the correct outcomes, we need trusted independent AI institutions that can cross national borders that help describe appropriate regulation.

There are safeguards we need to build into the process of creating and deploying AI models, but the risk of it running out of control is overstated.

It is easy to get caught-up in speculation about how AI could take over

Even so called narrow-AI can cause harm and so we need to consider how AI is used. That means placing controls and imbuing ethics on AI’s human designers and the companies that seek to exploit this incredibly powerful technology. In my forthcoming book, How AI Thinks, I argue that just as medical professionals take a Hippocratic Oath: Primum non nocere — first do no harm, so we should have a similar ethical standard for developers of AI systems, mandated in global AI standards.

It is easy to get caught-up in speculation about how AI could take over. In reality, it is a tool that can augment our incredible human intelligence and any malign use will be at the hands of a human — so let’s begin the conversation about regulation with us, the creators.

Nigel Toon is co-founder and CEO of UK-based AI microprocessor firm Graphcore and author of ‘How AI Thinks’, to be published in February by Transworld/Penguin