Louis Koo says he had to undergo treatment due to movie costume

23 Aug – Louis Koo recently admitted that his dedication to his role in the "Warriors of Future" had actually ended up with him undergoing a surgery in the United States, according to Oriental Daily.

The actor, who appeared at a screening of the movie recently, responded to a fan's question about his suit of armour, sharing for the first time that the 33-pound armoured suit caused a strain on his cervical spine.

Said Louis, he experienced continuous pain on his back following the production, only to find out that he has strained it due to the heavy weight.

"There was no bodily injury as the armour protected me during the shoot, but at the same time, because of its weight, I had to go to the US to undergo surgery and fuse my neck with titanium plate," he said.

In addition, he reiterated his previous interview about the costume, saying that it was extremely difficult wearing it during the hot weather, and that it took him a long time to put it on and take it off.

The sci-fi movie has been screening since 15 August.

Louis' dedication is without doubt
Louis' dedication is without doubt

(Photo Source: HK01, Oriental Daily)