Lawas cancer patient whose MyKad confiscated treated at Miri Hospital, Sarawak Health director clarifies

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUCHING, April 12 — Sarawak Health director Dr Ooi Choo Huck today clarified that a female cancer patient from Lawas is under treatment and supervision of a surgeon at the Miri Hospital, despite having a problem with her Mykad being confiscated by the National Registration Department (NRD).

He said the Miri Hospital has performed several procedures in treating the patient, including imaging on February 15, 2023 and surgical procedure on February 17, 2023, a followed up imaging being carried out on March 20, 2023.

“In terms of care and examination, the Miri Hospital has provided appropriate services to the patient,” Dr Ooi said in a statement when clarifying media reports.

He said the patient was also given a follow-up treatment appointment at the Specialist Clinic, Miri Hospital on April 17, 2023.

“The patient was also treated at the Emergency and Trauma Unit Lawas Hospital on April 1, 2023, where she underwent an examination as well referred to the medical officer on call, and was given appropriate treatment.

“Therefore, Lawas Hospital has still provided services regardless of her MyKad registration status and the patient's nationality concerned,” Dr Ooi said.

He said the state Health Department has contacted the patient's daughter who confirmed that Lawas Hospital and Miri Hospital never refused to take care of her mother.

“The Health Department is always committed to providing the best service to the community in Sarawak regardless of background, but subject to current laws and regulations,” he said.

The Borneo Post yesterday quoted the special adviser to the Health Ministry Dr Kelvin Yii saying he was investigating the case of Lawas colon cancer patient Lina Samuel, who had her MyKad confiscated by the NRD last year.

The Bandar Kuching MP said no one should be denied access to healthcare, regardless of their background, especially when it comes to life-saving procedures such as cancer treatment.

He added that based on his information from the Health and Home Ministries, the patient's MyKad was confiscated as she is stateless.

He believed that no one should be denied access to healthcare regardless of their background, especially when it comes to life-saving procedures like cancer treatment in this case.

Lina, a Lun Bawang from Long Sebangang in Lawas, was diagnosed with colon cancer last February.

She fears being unable to get a follow-up with specialists at Miri Hospital on April 17 as she has no MyKad, which is needed for her to travel either by land or air.

Lina’s MyKad was confiscated by Lawas NRD in November last year when she attempted to change her address to enable her to vote in the 15th general election.