Grade 3 students in Erin prepared for solar eclipse

Chalk pictures of the solar eclipse that grade 3 students from Ross R. MacKay Public School drew. (Karis Mapp/CBC  - image credit)
Chalk pictures of the solar eclipse that grade 3 students from Ross R. MacKay Public School drew. (Karis Mapp/CBC - image credit)

Students at Ross R. MacKay Public School in Erin were learning the science behind solar eclipses on Friday before the one set to happen Monday.

Jasmine Sollen is a grade 3 teacher at the school and helped to provide all students with the necessary glasses to catch a glimpse of the rare phenomenon.

"We've watched a few videos to learn about the eclipse and we've also done some artwork with some chalk," she explained.

"I think it's really exciting because it's something that only happens once in awhile and it shows them that science applies to the real world and is not just in the classroom."

Students at Ross R. MacKay Public School in Erin learning about a solar eclipse.
Students at Ross R. MacKay Public School in Erin learning about a solar eclipse.

Students at Ross R. MacKay Public School in Erin learning about a solar eclipse. (Karis Mapp/CBC)

While many of the children plan to watch the eclipse with family from their homes, some were hitting the road to get a special view.

"One thing I learned about the eclipse is that in Niagara Falls, it's in the path of totality, so that's why we're going to see it there," said one of the students, Atrisa Allahmord.

Meanwhile, Gibson Hughes shared that he's changing his traditional plans to get the full experience of the eclipse.

"Me and my grandparents normally go out for dinner together every Wednesday but we moved it to Monday," he said.

"We're going to this place, I believe it's called Tillsonburg. It's three minutes of totality or three minutes of eclipse time instead of here where it's only like 97% coverage compared to there, it's going to be pretty close to 100."

Students with the Upper Grand District School Board, Wellington Catholic School Board, and Waterloo Catholic District School Board  all have PD Days.

Children with the Waterloo Region District School Board won't be in the classroom but will be learning from home due to a recent board decision.