Alex Wagner Isn’t Surprised Trump Keeps Losing Lawyers: They’re Saying ‘Not It’ (Video)

Twice-impeached, once-indicted former president Donald Trump has lost yet another lawyer who was set to defend him in his pile of legal woes, but Alex Wagner isn’t too shocked. According to the MSNBC host, Trump’s legal team is basically just playing one big game of “not it” at this point.

Earlier this month, Timothy Parlatore, one of the attorneys defending Trump during the Justice Department’s ongoing investigations into the former president’s handling of classified documents, confirmed that he was exiting Trump’s legal team, apparently due to general infighting among the attorneys.

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Wagner was quick to point out on Tuesday night that Parlatore is now at least the seventh former Trump attorney to either testify to Jack Smith’s grand jury or speak to investigators directly, signaling that “it seems like these attorneys are starting to get worried about going down with the ship.”

Wagner also highlighted new reporting from The Guardian that says Parlatore was specifically waved off by his colleagues when he attempted to search Trump’s Mar-a-Lago office for more documents, which of course, ended up being where more documents were eventually found.

“It would also seem to buttress a potential obstruction case,” Wagner said. “A case, if you read the reporting, already seems pretty strong. So at this point, it certainly seems like a lot of Trump lawyers are effectively saying ‘Not it!’ And that makes sense.”

You can watch Wagner’s full comments in the video above.

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