7 Podcasts to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

With the new year comes a new collection of pressures: get fit, eat better, get your finances in order, become an entirely new person. That’s probably not the most realistic goal, but experts say changing one thing at a time can lead to permanent results. One painless way to get into the habit-changing mindset is to start with listening to some of these podcasts, which offer entertaining and informative hacks to building a better year.

Ask Ronna

Hosted by Ronna Glickman, the alter ego of comedian Jessica Chafin, along with actor-comedian Bryan Safi, this comedy-infused advice show invites celebrity guests like Patton Oswalt to mull questions like how to talk about an untraditional relationship with friends, the best way to throw a party in a co-op or tips on checking your grumpy behavior. Will these irreverent folks help you to be a better person? Maybe — they even take on how to control overindulging on snacks, so anything is possible when you’re having this much fun.

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How to Build a Happy Life

The Atlantic tackles all the building blocks for constructing more satisfying relationships, families, jobs and more. With lively musical selections and contributions from “Happiness Correspondent” Arthur Brooks, this podcast is a painless way to dig into anything that might be holding you back.

The Psychology of Your 20s

Psychology grad student Jemma Sbeg covers a host of issues that will be familiar to anyone trying to navigate their first decade as an adult — from imposter syndrome to break-ups, setting boundaries and seasonal depression. And of course, there’s a recent episode on the psychology of New Year’s resolutions that explains just how much change is really possible.

Afford Anything

For several years now, Paula Pant has been showing listeners how to invest their money, get into the rental business, maximize retirement funds and just generally figure out how to work less and enjoy life more. Want to find out if housing prices will be going down or how to figure out what city would be good to invest in? Paula and her panel of expert guests can advise on all of this and more, and you can even record your own question to be answered on a later show. This podcast is both for those just learning about investing and those ready to plunge into more complex topics.

Maintenance Phase

Before you sign on for the latest fitness or nutrition craze, it’s a good idea to get educated about which are effective and which are a load of malarkey. “Maintenance Phase” looks at ideas like the nutrition pyramid, the French paradox, Goop, Dr. Oz and apple cider vinegar to debunk and inform using science and expert sources.

Huberman Lab

Ever wonder where all the lifestyle advice experts get their knowledge — or whether it’s even backed up by anything? In the in-depth “Huberman Lab” podcast from Dr. Andrew Huberman, Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine, scientists break down state-of-the-art research studies in understandable language to explain techniques for optimizing and dealing with sleep, stress, caffeine, meditation, happiness, healthy eating and more.

Life Kit

NPR’s how to do life podcast goes down easy and breezy in just 20 minutes per show, with experts and NPR reporters talking about how to do everything just a little more effectively. The New Year’s edition talks about the best time to start a new habit based on behavorial science, while other recent episodes tackle clearing out clutter, starting an exercise routine, how to cut down on alcohol and — we approve of this one — how to be a better movie watcher.

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