Police say July 4 parade shooting suspect dressed in women’s clothing to hide identity during massacre

During a news conference on Tuesday, Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesperson Chris Covelli said the suspect in Monday’s Fourth of July parade shooting, Robert "Bobby" Crimo III, planned the attack for "several weeks" and dressed in women’s clothing during the rampage to conceal his identity.

Video transcript

- Based on where we're at this point in the investigation, and some of this is still preliminary so is subject to change as we keep moving forward, but we do believe Crimo pre-planned this attack for several weeks. He brought a high powered rifle to this parade. He accessed the roof of a business via fire escape ladder and began opening fire on the innocent Independence Day celebration-goers.

The rifle was purchased in Illinois, and the information we have thus far is that it appears to have been purchased legally by Crimo. During the attack, Crimo was dressed in woman's clothing, and investigators do believe he did this to conceal his facial tattoos and his identity and help him during the escape with the other people who were fleeing the chaos. During the attack, we believe that Crimo fired more than 70 rounds from this rifle into the crowd of innocent people.

Following the attack, Crimo exited the roof, he dropped his rifle, and he blended in with the crowd, and he escaped. He walked to his mother's home who lived in the area, and he blended right in with everybody else as they were running around, almost as he was an innocent spectator as well.

He borrowed his mother's vehicle. We issued an alert yesterday afternoon. Chief Godman provided the vehicle information and Crimo's information. We're very thankful that an alert member of the community saw Crimo's vehicle traveling southbound on Route 41, dialed 911. An alert North Chicago police officer spotted the vehicle, waited for additional backup units to arrive, conducted a traffic stop, and they were able to safely apprehend Crimo with no injuries to the officers.

Inside the vehicle, there was a second rifle located. Indications is that was purchased by Crimo as well. Thus far, over 30 people were injured during the attack, and this does not include the six who lost their lives.