PM Anwar says not concerned by plans to topple unity govt

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

PUTRAJAYA, May 1 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today admitted that there are plots to destabilise his administration but dismissed it as the unity government is focused on carrying out its duties to serve the people.

Speaking to reporters after the federal-level May Day celebration in Putrajaya, Anwar said there is a plan to topple the federal government but it is baseless.

“There is a plan, but it is baseless. The government is fully focused on ministerial works.

“Those plotting to topple us are only doing their work. If they don’t plan this strategy, what do they do?” asked Anwar.

Anwar said all component parties in the unity government are committed to carrying out their duties to serve the Rakyat.

“What’s important is that Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional, Gabungang Parti Sarawak, Gabungan Rakyat Sabah and all other parties in the government are fully committed to serving the Rakyat and not to this plan to topple the government,” he said.

Earlier today, Director-general of the Community Communication Department (J-Kom) Datuk Mohammad Agus Yusoff today said that his job to communicate the government’s policies has been made harder by the Opposition.

He said his role to raise awareness on mutual respect and unity has become a challenge with the Opposition playing on racial and religious sentiments while attacking Anwar with baseless accusations.

In March, PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang had asserted that the Opposition bloc has a “right” to plan ways to topple the government, whether by pushing a no-confidence vote against the prime minister or enticing elected representatives to defect.