Joe Scarborough Rips Mitch McConnell’s Trump Endorsement With Expert Troll Of Ted Cruz

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Thursday tore into Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for endorsing Donald Trump.

Scarborough recalled McConnell’s previous condemnation of the former president for inciting the U.S. Capitol riot and Trump’s racist comments about the Senate GOP leader’s wife, Taiwan-born Elaine Chao (who served as Trump’s secretary of transportation).

The “Morning Joe” co-host lumped McConnell in with other Republicans who have been relentlessly attacked by Trump, only to then bend the knee in deference to the four-times-indicted presumptive GOP nominee.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were also named and shamed for kowtowing to Trump in Scarborough’s criticism.

Scarborough sarcastically said of Cruz: “If Donald Trump had ever attacked Ted Cruz’s wife, if he ever called her ugly, ever, ever struck out at her in the most personal of terms … that is Texas tough right there, man. No B.S. You cross that line with Ted, you know what? You might as well have crossed the Rio Grande, my friend.”

During his 2016 campaign, Trump implied Heidi Cruz was ugly and branded the senator “Lyin’ Ted.”

Graham is a “profile in courage” when it came to Trump, Scarborough similarly snarked.

“What is it about Trump?” Scarborough asked later in the show. “Someone can insult someone’s wife or husband, or in Mitch McConnell’s case, continue racist slurs against his wife, and they’re just fine with it?”

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