Jimmy Kimmel Slams Republicans for Biden Inquiry: ‘Can’t Impeach Someone For Falling Asleep During ‘Wheel of Fortune’ | Video

Add Jimmy Kimmel to the list of late night hosts unimpressed by the House Republicans’ inquiry into President Joe Biden. On Wednesday, the House approved launching an impeachment inquiry despite having no evidence against the president.

“You can’t impeach someone for falling asleep during ‘Wheel of Fortune,'” Kimmel joked Wednesday night.

The ABC host also praised Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for standing up to unfair inquiries. In a clip aired on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Johnson said, “You can’t impeach a President because you don’t like him. That’s not how this system works.” But the late night host didn’t immediately reveal when that clip took place.

“Unfortunately, that was four years ago when they were going after Trump. Now he’s all for it,” Kimmel said. “This time he said we have to follow the truth where it takes us, which is also what he said to his teenage son when they decided to become porno accountability partners.” In an interview that resurfaced last month, Johnson admitted he and his son monitor each other’s porn usage.

Biden’s opponents have been vocal about wanting to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s crimes. The younger Biden is currently facing nine criminal charges in connection to a federal tax case. This is the second case special counsel David Weiss has brought against Biden’s son.

One of the most outspoken figures against Hunter Biden has been Republican Rep. Jim Jordan. The Ohio politician has said he wants to hold Biden in contempt for defying a congressional subpoena, “even though he himself is actively defying a congressional subpoena right now,” Kimmel said. This is in reference to Jordan choosing to ignore the House’s Jan. 6 committee’s requests.

“Maybe we should hold them in contempt together like a buddy prison type film,” Kimmel said.

“This is all quite an argument if you think about it,” Kimmel continued. “These Republicans, they would have you think Joe Biden is both a doddering old coot who can’t tie his own shoes and also a brilliant criminal mastermind.”

The post Jimmy Kimmel Slams Republicans for Biden Inquiry: ‘Can’t Impeach Someone For Falling Asleep During ‘Wheel of Fortune’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.