Greta Thunberg charged with public order offence after London climate protest

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has been charged with a public order offence after a climate protest in central London.

Thunberg, 20, was among 26 people charged over a protest outside the InterContinental Hotel in Mayfair on Tuesday while oil executives met inside as part of the Energy Intelligence forum.

Officers said they imposed conditions to "prevent disruption to the public" and asked the protesters to move from the road onto the pavement.

The force said this would have allowed the demonstrators to continue protesting legally.

The Metropolitan Police said Thunberg, whose address was given as Dorset, has been charged with failing to comply with a condition imposed under Section 14 of the Public Order Act.

She and others were bailed to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 15 November.

Industry leaders from Shell, Total, Equinor, Saudi Aramco and other oil giants had been at the forum which was the focus of the demonstration.

The protest was organised by Fossil Free London.

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Thunberg told reporters at the demonstration: "The world is drowning in fossil fuels. Our hopes and dreams and lives are being washed away by a flood of greenwashing and lies.

"It has been clear for decades that the fossil fuel industries were well aware of the consequences of their business models, and yet, they have done nothing.

"The opposite - they have actively delayed, distracted and denied the causes of the climate crisis and spread doubts about their own engagement in it."