General Election 2024 London seats: Who will be my MP in Islington North as Jeremy Corbyn takes on Labour

Jeremy Corbyn is battling Labour’s Praful Nargund in Islington North  (ES Composite)
Jeremy Corbyn is battling Labour’s Praful Nargund in Islington North (ES Composite)

Millions of voters across London will go to the polls on July 4 to elect the new Government. The Standard is looking at key battleground seats in the capital, and has published an interactive map. Here we turn the spotlight on:


Estimated declaration time 3am

Candidates for main parties (in alphabetical order):

Vikas Aggarwal - Liberal Democrats

Jeremy Corbyn - Independent

Sheridan Kates - Green

Praful Nargund - Labour

Martyn Nelson - Reform UK

TBC - Conservatives

Summary: Jeremy Corbyn’s stronghold since 1983, Islington North is now the centre of drama with the former Labour leader running as an independent after accusing the party of "denying democracy".

He was prevented from standing as the official Labour candidate following his suspension over an antisemitism probe.

With a thumping majority of 26,188, Mr Corbyn is banking on his strong personal following built over four decades of dogged constituency service to carry him to victory over local Labour councillor Praful Nargund.

Mr Nargund insists he is “absolutely ready for whatever this contest entails” after warnings that diehard Corbynistas could turn the race into an ill-tempered flashpoint.

Wards: Arsenal, Finsbury Park, Highbury, Hillrise, Junction, Mildmay, Tollington and Tufnell Park.

Islington North constituency map (OpenStreetMap contributors/CARTO)
Islington North constituency map (OpenStreetMap contributors/CARTO)

I’m not sure if I’m in this constituency: Here’s how you can check

Boundary changes impact: Islington North was left unchanged in the latest reforms.

YouGov MRP poll prediction: YouGov’s projection did not take account of Mr Corbyn’s independent run, but continues to class Islington North as Labour.

Evening Standard view: It really is Red v Red, with the Lib Dems a distant second in 2019, followed by the Conservatives and Green Party.

But while it’s undeniable that Mr Corbyn has an unrivalled personal brand, Islington North also has no shortage of well-to-do areas and middle-class Labour voters - for instance in Highbury ward near the Arsenal stadium - who were left dismayed by the many antisemitism controversies during his time as party leader.

Should he manage to pull off his independent bid, it might mean the seat is a rare sight on July 4 - a Labour loss. Which is why the party will be fighting hard to hold onto a constituency it first won in 1937.

Click here to see more key seats across London: