Forget Wagatha Christie. This Is What Coleen Rooney Wanted To Be.

As a teenager, all I wanted to do was run away to art school — I had high hopes. I was desperate to be an artist. To live romantically, painting and drawing in some far-flung loft of a vibrant bohemian city, living off bread, wine and perhaps some chocolate. I was in love with how complicated my life could be, with the struggle. 

Oh, to be young.

So many of us dream of being something other than what we become. Life throws us the funniest curve balls, doesn’t it? 

The same can be said for Colleen Rooney, AKA Wagatha Christie. One minute she’s sitting her AS levels, the next her boyfriend becomes a top-of-the-range footballer and her plans went awry. 

Would I do the same? Um. YES. Absolutely. Who wouldn’t want a life of luxury? But lately, Colleen has been waxing lyrical about what she wanted to be when she grew up. And frankly, I don’t think it’s too late. 

This is what Colleen Rooney wanted to be when she grew up

In a recent episode of Women’s Hour on BBC Radio 4, Colleen chats to Emma Barnett about her new Disney+ documentary, Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story. 

In an exclusive interview, she tells Barnett, that she felt disheartened that the story was mocked by the British public. “It was a really difficult time, for me”, Colleen says, explaining that initially the title “Wagatha Christie” was actually quite distressing.

Barnett, asks Colleen. “You aren’t a detective, you’re not in the police…What was the first clue?”

For Colleen, something didn’t add up. The messages she was receiving from Rebekah Vardy, the leaks to the press — her gut was telling her something was off.  In a cunning move, Colleen leaked false information and made an effort to mislead Vardy so that, in the end, she could be sure who was releasing her private information.

Telling no one, not even her hubby, Colleen says, “I wasn’t going to tell anyone. It was my problem. It was my investigation.”

Genius. It’s no surprise then, that had Colleen’s life taken a different turn, she might have ended up pursuing a career in… journalism. Yep, Mrs Rooney took English lit, media studies and performing arts in the hopes that she might have become a journalist, she told BBC Women’s Hour.

Rebekah Vardy vehemently denied the accusations and took it to court. But, she lost the court case and has ended up footing the whopping 3 million pound bill (estimated total) as she is responsible for paying Colleen’s legal fees — as well as her own. 

It seems career chats have been rather popular in the Rooney household of late. Maybe there’s change in the air for both of them?
