Fahmi Fadzil criticises Annuar Musa for misleading public by sharing old news on social media

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil criticised Muafakat Nasional president Tan Sri Annuar Musa for misleading the public by raising old news like it’s current.

He questioned a Facebook post by Annuar that shared a news article where DAP’s Beruas MP Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham advocated for Muslims to respect apostates.

The post was accompanied with a picture that contained a parliamentary question asking the Prime Minister to state how the marriage of a Malaysian Muslim citizen, who married a non-Muslim abroad legally upon returning to Malaysia, could be recognised in Malaysia

The post has been removed at the time of writing.

“Why not write that the date of the Ngeh Koo Ham news is from 2014? That is no longer news now, why not write it to make it clear?’

“The parliamentary question is dated June 8, and there is already an answer from the religious affairs minister.

“It can be found on the Parliament website. Why not include the minister’s answer?” he wrote in a Facebook post on yesterday.

Fahmi also shared a copy of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar’s answer saying that marriages involving Muslims and non-Muslims are not recognised under the law.

“According to Subsection 3(3) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976, this shall not apply to a Muslim or to any person who is married under Islamic law, and no marriage of one of the parties, which professes the religion of Islam, shall be solemnised or registered under this Act,” said Mohd Na’im in a Written Dewan rakyat reply on June 8.

Fahmi emphasised the importance of verifying information obtained through social media before sharing it.

“Don’t be involved in the spread of slander created by irresponsible parties.

“The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and the Royal Malaysia Police will continue to monitor and act, especially in dealing with the 3R, royalty, religion and racial issues,” he said.