The funniest photos of Ed Davey’s election bungee jump

There are only three days to go until the general election, and if you're Sir Ed Davey, only three days left of wild general election stunts.

The Liberal Democrat leader has been a source of continuous entertainment throughout the campaign, tackling everything from paddle boarding to water sliding in an outlandish effort to secure votes.

On Monday, he tried his hand at bungee jumping, which might have been a surprise a few weeks ago, but now seems like just another entry into the election diary for Davey, 58.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey before taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey prepared for his bungee jump at Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex on Monday by going through a safety briefing.

He was instructed to take off his shoes before the jump and had harness put around his waist and straps wrapped around the bottom of his legs.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey getting prepared for a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey looked fairly relaxed ahead of the bungee jump while his harness was being fastened.

And well he might, as this was just the latest in a series of stunts he has performed while campaigning.

Just the previous day, he was on board an aqua-bike on the River Cherwell in Thrupp, Oxfordshire, drawing attention to what he called the "appalling" state of the UK's rivers.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey before taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

The next step before the jump involved Davey going through a practice routine.

He was spotted waving his arms from side to side as instructors advised him how best to carry out his leap.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey before taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey smiled as he got on board the cherry picker that would take him off the ground and into the skies.

Earlier in his campaign, Yahoo News UK followed the Lib Dems leader for a day to see just what goes into pulling off his trademark stunts.

He told us: "We've been doing a few stunts this parliament and what we noticed when we did them is we were able to get over a serious point in a visual way.

"We have a challenge getting to the media sometimes, I don't think that is a secret.

"Getting people to listen to you when you're saying things that are sensible and reasonable and well-thought through can be quite challenging."

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey pointed skywards as he seemingly realised the stunt was about to happen.

Before he went up, he said: “To get the change our country needs this week and beat the Conservatives in scores of seats, I am asking people to take a leap of faith and vote for the Liberal Democrats.

“A lot of people are on the cusp of doing something they’ve never done before on Thursday and voting for the Liberal Democrats, so I decided to do something I’ve never done before, too.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to fix the NHS and care, end the sewage scandal and tackle the cost-of-living crisis.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey before taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey then took a long hard look at what was in front of him before one final breath.

In this campaign, he has played shinty in Scotland, showed off his circus skills and appeared on BBC Question Time, but nothing has the same level of jeopardy as this leap into the unknown.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey performs a bungee jump in Eastbourne, East Sussex. (PA Images)

And, then, in an instant, Davey had jumped off the cherry picker into the air.

As he did so, he shouted: "Do something you’ve never done before – vote Liberal Democrat!”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

According to the latest YouGov polling, the Lib Dems have 13% of the vote, which puts them in fourth place behind Labour on 37%, the Tories on 20% and Reform UK on 17%.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey after taking part in a bungee jump during a visit to Eastbourne Borough Football Club in East Sussex, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Monday July 1, 2024.
PA Images

Davey was all smiles after getting back to Earth.

With less than 72 hours before the UK goes to the polls, he is running out of time to top his latest pre-election adventure.

One onlooker in Eastbourne could be heard saying after his jump: “Is there anything he won’t do?”

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