What is Diablo 4 salvage

 Visiting the blacksmith to collect Diablo 4 salvage
Visiting the blacksmith to collect Diablo 4 salvage

Diablo 4 salvage is something you'll see referenced as soon as you start collecting loot, though you won't be able to claim it until you reach your first city and find a Blacksmith. A big part of the gameplay loop in Diablo 4 is hoovering up every item you find on your travels, equipping the best weapons and armor from them and then selling the rest, though if you've been examining your inventory you'll keep seeing the phrase "Unlocks new look on salvage" with no further explanation – so what does that mean? If you're planning to access the Diablo 4 beta while it's still available then it pays to understand this system, so read on for details on how to salvage items in Diablo 4.

How to salvage items in Diablo 4

Interacting with the blacksmith to collect Diablo 4 salvage
Interacting with the blacksmith to collect Diablo 4 salvage

To salvage items in Diablo 4 you need the services of a Blacksmith, and you won't meet one of those for the first time until you arrive in Kyovashad, so keep pushing forward through the campaign until you get there. Once you've arrived in a city, you'll have two choices for what to do with all of your accumulated equipment items:

  • Sell them to the Weapons and Armor Vendors in exchange for Gold

  • Salvage them with the Blacksmith in exchange for Materials

To collect Diablo 4 salvage, interact with the Blacksmith then select the top 'Directly in Inventory' option to pick individual items to salvage. You can also mark multiple items as Junk then select 'All Junk' under 'Salvage by item quality' to process them all at once, and you can even elect to salvage all items in your inventory – though we don't recommend doing that unless you're absolutely sure you want a complete clear out!

By salvaging items you'll receive Materials such as Rawhide and Superior Leather, which can then be used in future crafting, and although you can't see in advance what Materials you'll receive the general rule is the better the item, the better the salvage you'll get from it. If the item was marked as "Unlocks new look on salvage" then you'll also add its appearance to your wardrobe for use with Diablo 4 transmog, which you can read more about in our separate guide.

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