David Cameron's New Social Media Video Has A Lot Of People Drawing The Same Rishi Sunak Comparison

Social media suggested Sunak risks being overshadowed by Cameron when it comes to communication styles.
Social media suggested Sunak risks being overshadowed by Cameron when it comes to communication styles. Karwai Tang via Getty Images

David Cameron’s latest promotional clip has social media comparing it to Rishi Sunak’s recent online output – and, well, let’s just say the current PM doesn’t come of it looking his best.

Cameron, appointed to the House of Lords so Sunak could make him foreign secretary, released a 90-second video to promote his first 100 days in the role.

The clip was released shortly after Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty’s toe-curling interview with Grazia magazine went live.

The former PM, best known for calling the EU referendum, leading the campaign to stay in the bloc and then losing and triggering Brexit, can be seen walking down the stairs listing all of his achievements during his first few months in the foreign office in the short video.

You can watch it – and ponder how many takes it took for the cameraperson to walk down the stairs backwards – here:

The clip attracted more than 1.6 million views in less than 18 hours (with fewer than 2,500 likes).

But the most common feedback the video seemed to get was that Cameron, who has been out of government since 2016, was a more effective communicator than...  his boss, the current prime minister.

Sunak has been widely ridiculed for his speaking style ever since getting into No.10, with many comparing him to a character called Will KcKenzie from the Inbetweeners.

He also went viral when he posed with a flipboard, ripe for photoshopped memes, last month.

So perhaps it’s no surprise Cameron’s clip was instantly compared to Sunak’s attempts at media.

Although, not everyone thought the clip was such a good idea – with plenty accusing him of, er, wasting time...

... others were still in disbelief that Cameron is back in government....

And then there were the inevitable comments comparing it to comedy content...
