Convicted Fredericton murderer accused of lying at ex-girlfriend's trial

Zachery Murphy, has been charged with perjury connected to testimony he provided at Angela Walsh's first-degree murder trial. (Shane Fowler/CBC - image credit)
Zachery Murphy, has been charged with perjury connected to testimony he provided at Angela Walsh's first-degree murder trial. (Shane Fowler/CBC - image credit)

Another twist has developed in a case of two young lovers who murdered a man in a Fredericton park.

Zachery Murphy, who was convicted of second-degree murder in the killing of Clark Greene, has been charged with perjury for testimony he gave during the first-degree murder trial of Angela Walsh, his ex-girlfriend and co-accused.

Murphy appeared in Fredericton provincial court via video call from prison on Tuesday morning for his first appearance on the charge.

The charge alleges he committed perjury during Walsh's trial on Jan. 11 at the Burton courthouse east of Fredericton by "solemnly affirming falsely and with intent to mislead the court that he stabbed Clark Greene."

Murphy told Judge Cameron Gunn he hadn't yet spoken to a lawyer about the charge.

Gunn said he'd adjourn the matter until Jan. 30 to give Murphy time to obtain disclosure and speak to a lawyer.

Murphy earlier said Walsh stabbed Greene

31-year-old Clark Ernest Green was found dead in Wilmot Park in Fredericton on Wednesday morning.
31-year-old Clark Ernest Green was found dead in Wilmot Park in Fredericton on Wednesday morning.

Clark Greene, 31, was found dead at Wilmot Park in Fredericton on the morning of April 15, 2020. (Clark Ernest Greene/Facebook )

The 31-year-old's stabbed and beaten body was found near a gazebo at Wilmot Park on the morning of April 15, 2020.

Walsh, who was 21 at the time, and Murphy, who was 20, were arrested a month later, and initially charged with first-degree murder.

In November 2021, Murphy pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of second-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 11 years.

According to the agreed statement of facts at the time, Murphy had given a sworn statement to police saying he hit Greene twice with a metal pipe, knocking him out, followed by Walsh stabbing him in the chest and face with a knife.

Testimony contradicted statement

Walsh on the other hand pleaded not guilty to her first-degree murder charge, and her trial began Jan. 9.

However, proceedings came to an early and unexpected end on the third day after Murphy, a key Crown witness, testified it was he who stabbed Greene, contradicting the story he earlier told police.

Angela April Walsh apologized to the family of Clark Green, who she stabbed to death in Fredericton in April 2020.
Angela April Walsh apologized to the family of Clark Green, who she stabbed to death in Fredericton in April 2020.

In January of this year, Walsh pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the death of Greene. (Aidan Cox/CBC)

His testimony drew gasps from the courtroom gallery, and following a lunchtime recess, counsel for both the Crown and defence announced they'd come to an agreement to let Walsh plead guilty to the lesser charge of second-degree murder.

With the first-degree murder charge, Walsh would have faced an automatic sentence of life in prison with no chance for parole for 25 years. A second-degree murder charge allows for parole eligibility in as little as 10 years.

In Walsh's case, she was later sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 13 years.

Walsh has since applied for an extension allowing her to seek leave to appeal her conviction.

A hearing on that application was heard on Dec. 6, but a decision has not yet been released.