AKB48's sister group KLP48 is now recruiting members

20 Feb - Good news to aspiring idols everywhere.

KLP48, the sister group of AKB48 that will be making its debut in Malaysia, is now looking to recruit members for the first generation of the group.

Those who are aged 13 to 23 as of 1 March 2024 can now submit their application (minors will need consent from a parent or a guardian), regardless of any nationality, which means anyone who is willing to live around Kuala Lumpur can try your luck.

Vocal ability and dance experience are required, though one cannot apply if one is under contract with another production company at the time of application. Participants also have to be able to consent to appearing online, TV programmes or other media, or having one's portrait or video used.

Application forms can be found at https://audition.KLP48.my, and has to be submitted the latest on 31 March.

There will be four screening processes throughout March to May, with the final screening to be held in Kuala Lumpur in late May. The group will be making its debut in August 2024.

AKB48, the first one of its kind, was named after the Akihabara area in Tokyo
AKB48, the first one of its kind, was named after the Akihabara area in Tokyo

(Photo Source: KLP48 IG, AKB48 IG)