Zhang Yimou's son wants to be animation director

8 Nov - While he is one of the most celebrated Chinese movie directors, Zhang Yimou recently revealed that his son might not be interested in the same job.

As reported on NetEase, in a recent interview during a masterclass at the Tokyo Film Festival, the filmmaker shared that his eldest son Zhang Yinan is studying in the United States, and that he would like to be involved in animation after graduation.

Said Zhang, he has tried to persuade his son otherwise, saying that, "If you make live-action pictures, I can at least help you." However, the younger Zhang still insisted on becoming an animation director.

The filmmaker then laughed, stating that the only thing he himself knows about animation comes from watching Hayao Miyazaki's work.

It is noted that Zhang Yinan has worked on his father's movie, playing the supporting role of a Song Dynasty secretary in "Full River Red". He also was an intern on the crew during the filming of Zhang's "Shadow".

The 21-year-old has also released many works in recent years, including a short film titled, "Over There", which has been praised for its outstanding quality.

The younger Zhang has no interest in following his father's footsteps
The younger Zhang has no interest in following his father's footsteps

(Photo Source: NetEase)