Young Girl Pokes Fun at Father's Bald Head During Prayer Time

A hilarious little girl from Texas was more than happy to show her younger brother how to pray when she jokingly thanked God for her healthy hair and her father’s, despite the fact that her father has gone bald.

Adley had just had her hair cut a few hours prior to the recording of this video, and the girl’s mother, Brittney Castleman, told Storyful that Adley was gushing about how healthy her hair looked.

Castleman recorded the comical moment six-year-old Adley decided to thank God for her wonderful hair during her prayer, when she jokingly made fun of her father’s bald head.

“Adley is one of the funniest kids I’ve ever met,” Castleman said. Credit: Brittney Castleman via Storyful

Video transcript

- OK, Sissy, you go first. Say the prayer and then Bubba will go.

- Dear God, thank you for my health hair and my dad's healthy hair.


- OK, Sissy, you go first. Say the prayer and then Bubba will go.

- Dear God, thank you for my healthy hair and my dad's healthy hair.


- OK, Sissy, you go first. Say the prayer and then Bubba will go.

- Dear God, thank you for my healthy hair and my dad's healthy hair.


- OK, Sissy, you go first. Say the prayer and then Bubba will go.

- Dear God, thank you for my healthy hair and my dad's healthy hair.


- OK, Sissy, you go first. Say the prayer and then Bubba will go.

- Dear God, thank you for my healthy hair and my dad's healthy hair.