New York Mets fan removed from stadium because people kept throwing hot dogs at him

New York Mets fan removed from stadium because people kept throwing hot dogs at him

A New York Mets fan had to be removed from his seat at the team’s stadium after other Major League Baseball fans started throwing $1 hot dogs at him.

The deluge of low-priced ‘dogs started happening in the ninth inning of the NYC baseball team’s game against the Chicago Cubs, on what is known as hot dog night.

Multiple videos were shared online of the man, who wore a hot dog hat and a t-shirt carrying his tally of hot dogs and beers consumed.

He reportedly managed to eat nine of the meaty snacks and drink 10 beers before the situation escalated and security showed up.

Those nearby could be heard booing officials leading him away.

Fans at Citi Field on Tuesday were only supposed to be allowed four hotdogs each, but it appears the man took on a challenge to far surpass that, leading to the wieners being thrown his way.


Video showed sausages flying through the air, with one attendee reporting “at least 100 dogs” being tossed around the section the man was sitting in.

Another called him a “#LocalLegend” when sharing footage, while in another video he could be seen standing up and encouraging those nearby to send hotdogs his way.

Citi Field sold 44,269 hotdogs Tuesday night to a crowd of 22,880.

After being removed from his seat, the fan was spotted on the New York City Subway headed back home to Westchester.


“Bad day to be a glizzy,” his shirt read, referring to a slang term for a hotdog.

The Independent approached the New York Mets for further comment but did not immediately receive a response.

As for the game, the Mets beat the Chicago Cubs 4-2.