XL bully owner wears muzzle in pub to protest new dog rules

Eamonn Mcgeady, 51, and six-month-old dog Lexi wore matching protective guards on their visit to the Straw Hat pub in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire.

Lexi XL Bully
Eamonn Mcgeady, 51, joined his XL Bully Lexi wearing a muzzle to their local pub in protest against new laws. (SWNS)

A father staged his own one-man protest over new XL bully laws by joining his dog in wearing a muzzle as he visited his local pub.

Eamonn Mcgeady, 51, wore a muzzle alongside his six-month-old dog Lexi when they visited his local pub the Straw Hat on New Year's Day - even drinking a pint through it using a straw. His daughter said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed, which now has to be muzzled when in public alongside various other conditions.

Elle Mcgeady, 19, from Chester, said: "I just don't agree with the muzzle. We’d be happy enough to walk her on a lead but we’re not happy with the muzzle - it’s just not nice to see. She hides when going on a walk now because she knows she has to wear it. Other dogs want to bully her now that she’s on a lead with a muzzle on.

"Before people would come up and give her a stroke and a pat but now we’re getting more evil looks off people instead. We got to the pub and everyone was laughing about it - I was proud [of him] and happy to see him wearing it."

Eamonn Mcgeady kdrinking his pint through a straw. Release date – January 4, 2024.  See SWNS story SWSYmuzzle.  A dad held a one-man protest over new XL bully laws - by drinking in his local pub with a muzzle on.  Eamonn Mcgeady, walked to the pub with the mask on - and then sat at the bar and drunk his pint through a straw.  He visited the boozer on New Year's Day with his daughter Elle Mcgeady, who owns six-month-old XL bully Lexi.  Eamonn didn't want to speak about the stunt - but Elle, 19, said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed.
Mcgeady even drank his pint through a straw on his visit to the pub on New Year's Day. (SWNS)

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Mcgeady, whose father did not want to speak about his protest, added: "Dad was drinking pints using a straw through the muzzle and getting on the floor with Lexi to play around with her. He wanted to show her there was a person was wearing it and it wasn’t just for her. The people we walked past were praising him for it, saying it showed he’s good owner."

New laws around XL bully dogs came into force on New Year's Eve following a ban by the government in the wake of several attacks in 2023. The introduction of laws have sparked anger from XL bully owners and animal welfare groups who are concerned the ban is leaving vets and rescue centres overwhelmed.

Elle Mcgeady and boyfriend Nathan Morrissey, 18, bought Lexi in August 2023 - just weeks before the new legislation was announced. She said the pup used to love visiting the pub and socialising with both dogs and humans but now she is forced to wear a muzzle, has withdrawn and no longer enjoys going out.

Eamonn Mcgeady with Lexi in the pub. Release date – January 4, 2024.  See SWNS story SWSYmuzzle.  A dad held a one-man protest over new XL bully laws - by drinking in his local pub with a muzzle on.  Eamonn Mcgeady, walked to the pub with the mask on - and then sat at the bar and drunk his pint through a straw.  He visited the boozer on New Year's Day with his daughter Elle Mcgeady, who owns six-month-old XL bully Lexi.  Eamonn didn't want to speak about the stunt - but Elle, 19, said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed.
Eamonn Mcgeady's daughter said dog Lexi no longer wanted to go for walks and is bullied by other dogs when out on a lead. (SWNS)
Six-month-old XL bully Lexi. Release date – January 4, 2024.  See SWNS story SWSYmuzzle.  A dad held a one-man protest over new XL bully laws - by drinking in his local pub with a muzzle on.  Eamonn Mcgeady, walked to the pub with the mask on - and then sat at the bar and drunk his pint through a straw.  He visited the boozer on New Year's Day with his daughter Elle Mcgeady, who owns six-month-old XL bully Lexi.  Eamonn didn't want to speak about the stunt - but Elle, 19, said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed.
Lexi was bought in August 2023 - just before new legislation was announced. (SWNS)

She said some rules are needed, but muzzling her family pet every time it is out will mean Lexi is robbed of a joyful life. "Every time we take her for a walk she’s hurting herself trying to scratch it off," she said. "[Dad was wearing the muzzle to] show people who think these dogs have a bad reputation that they’re not actually that bad and it’s not fair.

"We completely disagree with the rules, we agree that something needed to happen because of the amount of attacks that were happening, some action should have been taken. We've only had Lexi for about four months, and we want her life to be as playful and joyful as we can make it. It’s sad to see that she’s so young and for rest of her life she won’t experience being off lead again."

Criminal offence

A Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs statement said: "Owners are also being urged to apply to register their current XL bully dogs, as the Government takes action to safely manage the existing population of the breed.

"There is only a month left to meet the deadline when the ban comes into force on 1 February. Owning an unregistered dog after this date will be a criminal offence, with owners who don’t facing a criminal record and an unlimited fine. Owners who do not want to keep their dogs after this date should take them to a vet to have them put down."

Six-month-old XL bully Lexi. Release date – January 4, 2024.  See SWNS story SWSYmuzzle.  A dad held a one-man protest over new XL bully laws - by drinking in his local pub with a muzzle on.  Eamonn Mcgeady, walked to the pub with the mask on - and then sat at the bar and drunk his pint through a straw.  He visited the boozer on New Year's Day with his daughter Elle Mcgeady, who owns six-month-old XL bully Lexi.  Eamonn didn't want to speak about the stunt - but Elle, 19, said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed.
Elle Mdgeady said six-month-old Lexi has been robbed of a life of joy by the new rules and will never be allowed off lead. (SWNS)
Eamonn Mcgeady with Lexi. Release date – January 4, 2024.  See SWNS story SWSYmuzzle.  A dad held a one-man protest over new XL bully laws - by drinking in his local pub with a muzzle on.  Eamonn Mcgeady, walked to the pub with the mask on - and then sat at the bar and drunk his pint through a straw.  He visited the boozer on New Year's Day with his daughter Elle Mcgeady, who owns six-month-old XL bully Lexi.  Eamonn didn't want to speak about the stunt - but Elle, 19, said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed.
Eamonn Mcgeady did not want to talk about his protest, but daughter Elle said he did it to make a point about new legislation on the breed. (SWNS)

What are the new rules on XL bully dogs?

As of New Year's Eve, it is a legal requirement for XL bully dogs dogs to wear a muzzle in public. It is now also illegal to breed, sell, advertise, gift, exchange, abandon or let XL bully dogs stray.

From 1 February, owning an XL bully will be illegal unless the animal is on an exempt list, called the Index of Exempted Dogs. Owners who want to keep their dogs must apply to an exemption scheme or they can choose to have their dog euthanised and apply for £200 compensation from the government towards the cost.

If keeping the dog, rules include the requirement to muzzle them and keep them on a lead in public, but the dogs must also be microchipped and neutered. Owners seeking an exemption must also pay an application fee and hold active public liability insurance for their pets.

Dogs more than a year old on 31 January must be neutered by 30 June next year, while those under 12 months old must be neutered by 31 December 31 2024. Owners without a certificate of exemption will face a criminal record and an unlimited fine if they are found to be in possession of an XL bully as of 1 February, and their dog could be seized.