WrestleMania 40 Results: Who Won Big on Night 2 of the WWE Spectacle?

WrestleMania 40 Results: Who Won Big on Night 2 of the WWE Spectacle?
WrestleMania 40 Results: Who Won Big on Night 2 of the WWE Spectacle?

Wrestling’s biggest event is bringing the fight back to the City of Brotherly Love!

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WrestleMania 40, set at Lincoln Financial Field for Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7, marks the second time the premium live event got underway in Philadelphia, Pa. Fans will recall that WrestleMania 15, which saw The Rock (c) take on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for the WWF Championship in the main event, also took place in the northeastern city back in 1999.

CM Punk, injured and unable to compete this year, joins the commentator team for the first two matches during Night 2 of the wrestling spectacle. And there is plenty to discuss!

With The Rock and “The Tribal Chief” Roman Reigns winning their tag team match against Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes last night, Rhodes finds himself at a disadvantage entering his solo battle with Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. It’s anything goes for The Bloodline in this bout, and The Rock teased “surprises” to come during Night 1’s post-event press conference.

Meanwhile, IYO SKY defends the WWE Women’s Championship against Bayley, a co-founder of Damage CTRL who was kicked out of the stable in February.

More titles are on the line, including Seth “Freakin” Rollins defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Drew McIntyre, and Logan Paul attempting to hold onto the United States title in a Triple Threat Match against Randy Orton and Kevin Owens.

Plus, LA Knight and AJ Styles settle their bad blood in singles competition, and Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits take on Final Testament in a Six-Man Tag Team Philadelphia Street Fight.

Read on below for the results from WrestleMania Night 2, which will be updated in real time. Don’t forget to add your commentary below!

World Heavyweight Championship: Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

World Heavyweight Championship: Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
World Heavyweight Championship: Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

The only thing bigger than Drew McIntyre’s sword is his ability to hate. The man turned it into an art form in his ongoing campaign against CM Punk, who is injured and unable to compete at WrestleMania. Seth Rollins also has no love for Punk, but The Visionary looks to retain the World Heavyweight Championship in his match against the Scottish Warrior. The question is, can he stop a man fueled by hate?

Thankfully, the crowd was much livelier compared to yesterday as Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre put on a heck of a show for the title.

McIntyre nearly ended the match within seconds after surprising Rollins with the Claymore. Adding insult to injury, he took a selfie with a fan at ringside after tossing the champion around with a few belly-to-belly suplexes.

The Visionary — bad knee and all — hit back with some hard blows and a superkick. When McIntyre went for another Claymore, he countered with a powerbomb followed by a Pedigree for a nearfall. However, McIntyre’s hater antics nearly cost him. After taunting CM Punk and then attempting Punk’s GTS finisher before Rollins rolled him up for another pin.

There was hardly a moment to breathe a both men whipped out impressive moves from their arsenal, such as McIntyre’s Future Shock DDT and Rollins’ curb stomp from the announcer table.

In the end, McIntyre overpowered Rollins with another Claymore that sealed the deal. He pinned the Architect to win the World Heavyweight Championship — a victory made sweeter given that he won in front of a live crowd. He previously won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 36, which took place at the WWE Performance Center during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and fans weren’t able to attend.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest

Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest
Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest

Drew McIntyre’s victory was short-lived. The Scottish Warrior taunted CM Punk, who then dropped him on the announcer table and got some long-awaited licks in.

With McIntyre down, The Judgement Day’s Damian Priest used his last day to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and challenged the new World Heavyweight Champion. With the shock of the moment still settling in, Priest won in under a minute. He hit the South of Heaven chokeslam, got the three-count and was then crowned champion.

Winner: Damian Priest

Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits vs. Final Testament in a Six-Man Tag Team Philadelphia Street Fight

Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits vs. Final Testament in a Six-Man Tag Team Philadelphia Street Fight
Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits vs. Final Testament in a Six-Man Tag Team Philadelphia Street Fight

When it comes to this feud, let’s just say there are layers to it. It all started when Bobby Lashley eliminated Karrion Kross in a tournament to determine the top contender for the United States Championship. Kross and his beau Scarlett Bordeaux then linked with the Authors of Pain to form The Final Testament at SmackDown: New Year’s Revolution, where they attacked Lashley as well as Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins of The Street Profits. It’s been nothing but bad blood since then, and now they’ll all go at it in a six-man tag team Philly-style street fight.

A match this special deserved some special guests. Rap legend Snoop Dogg joined the announce team while WWE Legend Bubba Ray Dudley served as guest referee.

With street fight rules in place, chairs, kendo sticks and even trash cans were all legal. That came in handy for Lashley, who took a chair to Karrion Kross. Scarlett then came to her man’s rescue and attacked Lashley with a kendo stick, which prompted B-Fab to put Scarlett through a table at ringside. Cue the “This is awesome” chants, and rightfully so!

Kross nearly got into it with Bubba Ray, which was not a great move. Lashley and the Street Profits put the hurt on Kross with a special Dudley Boyz tribute: Montez Ford delivering a headbutt to Kross’ groin from the top rope while Lashley and Angelo Dawkins held his legs open.

Kudos to Snoop Dogg, who was endlessly entertaining on commentary and at one point, chanted “Whoop that trick” while Ford beat Kross with a kendo stick like he stole something.

Ford then put Kross through a table with a devastating frogsplash from the top rope, allowing Lashley to get the pin and the win for his team.

Winner: Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits

LA Knight vs. AJ Styles

LA Knight vs. AJ Styles
LA Knight vs. AJ Styles

LA Knight has sought revenge against AJ Styles ever since The Phenomenal One cost him his shot as No. 1 contender for Seth Rollins’ World Heavyweight Championship at Elimination Chamber. They’ve had several scuffles in recent months and now, they’ll settle their feud in the ring.

AJ Styles wasted no time going after LA Knight, attacking his opponent before he fully stepped into the ring. That set the tone as both men put on a show with exciting moves, like Knight’s tornado DDTfor a nearfall, and Styles’ picture-perfect German suplex.

More highlights: Knight laying into Styles on the top role as the crowd matched each blow with a “Yeah!” chant.  Knight then following that up with an impressive avalanche German suplex from the top rope (!!!) for yet another nearfall. And then AJ styles taking control by countering Knight’s attempted slam and dropping him on the exposed concrete at ringside.

Their strong, in-ring chemistry kept things moving with counter after counter, such as Styles going for his signature Springboard 450 Splash and being greeted with Knight’s knees instead. He also attempted a Phenomenal Forearm, which Knight countered by yanking him off the top rope and pulling him into a BFT (Blunt Force Trauma) to get the pin.

Winner: LA Knight

United States Title Triple Threat Match: Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

United States Title Triple Threat Match: Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
United States Title Triple Threat Match: Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

After defeating Rey Mysterio to become United States Champion at Crown Jewel back in November 2023, Logan Paul looked to retain his first major WWE title (which he’s held for 154 days and counting).

Randy Orton and Kevin Owens had a strange alliance going into this match with Paul and that came into play as soon as the bell rang. Both men went to work on Paul, slamming his head against the mat and all over the announcer table. In a smart move, Paul tried to turn his opponents against each other uy shoving Owens into Orton, but that didn’t work.

What changed the tide, though, was Orton almost pulling an RKO out of nowhere and Owens pushing him off before it connected. They then exchanged blows, putting an end to their fragile alliance.

Highlights from the match include: Owens delivering a double cannonball to Orton and Paul; Orton simultaneous DDTing Paul and Owens; and Owen turning Paul’s attempted top-rope suplex into a powerbomb followed by a textbook moonsault for a nearfall.

The tide turned when Paul’s buddy IShowSpeed (dressed as the Prime mascot) angered Orton, who then RKO’ed him through the Spanish announce table. The distraction allowed Paul to take advantage and get some hits in before attempting a splash on Owens. But Owens countered with Pop-Up Powerbomb followed by a stunner to Orton.

It all came down to Orton taking out Owens with an RKO, and then Logan tossing Orton out of the ring and climbing the top rope for a frogsplash, getting the win and retaining his United States Championship.

Winner: Logan Paul

WWE Women’s Championship: IYO SKY (c) vs. Bayley

WWE Women’s Championship: IYO SKY (c) vs. Bayley
WWE Women’s Championship: IYO SKY (c) vs. Bayley

Bayley sought revenge against her former ally Iyo Sky after being kicked out of Damage CTRL, the group she formed with Sky and Dakota Kai back in 2022.

Bayley and her blue hair weren’t playing any games in this match against Sky. That was evident as she aggressively attacked her opponent with diving tackles, baseball slides and rough punches. But Sky took advantage of Bayley’s bad knee, wrapping her opponent around the ring post in an excruciating submission hold and then delivering further punishment by stringing her legs into the ropes.

The fight spilled outside of the ring, with Bayley tossing Sky into the timekeeper area. Sky then leapt off the barricade, and Bayley countered with a slam. But Sky stayed in it, delivering a missile dropkick and going for the pin before Bayley kicked out.

Bayley connected with sunset flip that threw Sky into the corner but caused further damage to her knee in the process. Sky took advantage with back-to-back German suplexes, dropping Bayley on her neck and going for the pin for another kickout.

The self-proclaimed Genius of the Sky went for a moonsault, but Bayley pulled her knees up. And when Bayley went for the elbow from the top rope, Sky countered with a crossface. Bayley then connected with a Bayley to Belly and that could have been it — but Sky kicked out!

Sky also had a nearfall after hitting another moonsault from the top rope, but Bayley again got her leg up before the three-count. Sky attempted another moonsault, which Bayley countered, and Sky then countered with Bayley’s Rose Plant. This stunning sequence brought the Philly crowd to their feet.

The noise was deafening as Bayley hit a suplex and then a flying elbow from the top rope, finishing Sky off with a Rose Plant to get the pin. We have a new champion!

Winner: Bayley

Main Event: Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes

Main Event: Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes
Main Event: Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes

“The Tribal Chief” Roman Reigns aimed to continue his domination as the longest-reigning Universal Champion in WWE history — 1,315 days thus far!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes, meanwhile, looked to finish the story after losing to Reigns at WrestleMania 39 and taking another major loss on Night 1 of WrestleMania 40 in his tag team match with Seth Rollins against Reigns and The Rock. With Bloodline Rules set — anything goes — the odds were certainly stacked against Rhodes coming into this main event matchup.

We’ve anticipated this moment for a year and it was worth the wait. The crowd was fully in it as Rhodes pulled Reigns into a figure-four leglock, which Reigns then clawed his way out of.

Their bout spilled into the crowd, with Rhodes suplexing the Tribal Chief onto a platform. But the champ was soon back into control, powerbombing Rhodes in the center of the ring. Rhodes’ back, bright pink from various hits, is evidence of how brutal this match was.

At one point, Reigns went for a superkick, but Rhodes countered with a series of jabs in tribute to his father Dusty Rhodes. The American Nightmare then set Reigns up to put him through the announcer table, which Reigns countered and pulled off before locking in the Superman punch for a nearfall.

Rhodes hit a Cross Rhodes on Reigns and went for another, but Jimmy Uso interfered with a superkick. He then held Rhodes up as Reigns landed a devastating Superman punch. But Rhodes received backup from Jey Uso, who attacked his brother and speared him off the stage.

Back in the ring, things spiraled out of control when Rhodes dragged Reigns in the middle for back-to-back Cross Rhodes. But before he could land a third, Solo Sikoa connected with a Samoan Spike to derail his momentum. Rhodes then endured a spear from Rhodes, coupled with another Samoan Spike from Sikoa, and that should have been it — but Rhodes kicked out!

And surprise! John Cena rushed to the ring to take out Reigns with an FU before putting Sikoa through the announcer table.

WrestleMania 40
WrestleMania 40

Cue The Rock’s music! With both Rhodes and Reigns down, The Final Boss sized up Cena in the center of the ring — drawing flashbacks to WrestleMania 28. Cena swung first, and Rock caught him with a Rock Bottom. Then, The Shield’s theme hit, leaving a confused Rock looking around. Rollins, in his old Shield gear, appeared in the ring for the attack but was quickly taken out with a Superman punch by Reigns.

Then, the lights went out and none other than The Undertaker appeared, pulling The Rock into a chokeslam! But as quickly as he came, The Phenom disappeared.

WrestleMania 40
WrestleMania 40

Reigns took Rollins out with a chair shot, allowing Rhodes to then catch him with a knee to the face, followed by three Cross Rhodes in a row, and then a pin for the win.

The story has ended, and Cody Rhodes is the new Undisputed Universal Champion!

Winner: Cody Rhodes

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