Woman receives surprise proposal moments after ringing all-clear cancer bell

A woman received a surprise proposal from her boyfriend straight after ringing the bell following a breast cancer battle.

Lorraine Clyde, 36, a warehouse operative from Corby, East Midlands, had been diagnosed with breast cancer just over a year previously and had gone through radiotherapy treatment - with many life altering side effects like hair loss and severe fatigue.

Having been given the all clear from the disease, her partner, Aaron McGuckin, 34 surprised his wife-to-be by getting down on one knee right after she rung the bell that signified the end of her cancer battle.

Clyde says she had no idea her boyfriend was going to propose and was left speechless at the surprise.

“My reaction was of utter shock," she recalls of the moment.

Clyde had already had one surprise that day after leaving the treatment room to find that three of her best friends had turned up to watch her ringing the cancer bell.

Lorraine Clyde's partner, Aaron McGuckin proposed to her straight after she rang the cancer bell. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)
Lorraine Clyde's partner, Aaron McGuckin proposed to her straight after she rang the cancer bell. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)

"I had no clue they were coming either," she says. "The proposal followed, and I got the biggest surprise and cried a lot of happy tears.

"He had planned it for months and I had not a single clue.”

Despite a challenging year while she went through treatment, Clyde says she coped with the experience with the love from her friends, family and McGuckin.

"I had a lot of wonderful support from my family and friends," she says. "My partner Aaron got me through the worst of it he took care of my every want and need to try make it as easy as possible on me.

"Being diagnosed at the age of 35 with breast cancer was without a doubt terrifying," Clyde contnues.

"I was very upset and scared in the beginning not just for myself but my family and friends."

Clyde in hospital during her breast cancer treatment. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)
Clyde in hospital during her breast cancer treatment. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)

Clyde describes the treatment that followed as "very hard".

"I endured a lot over the space of a year and had decisions made quickly in my best interests to ensure I survived," she adds.

"I believe I coped very well with it all. And everyone praised me for having a very positive attitude towards it.”

McGuckin had decided he was going to ask Clyde to marry him a few months into her treatment, before deciding that the end of her treatment would be the perfect time to pop the question.

Clyde in hospital during her breast cancer treatment. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)
Clyde in hospital during her breast cancer treatment. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)

Clyde says she dreamed of one day getting married and hoped that if all went well after her cancer journey, she’d get that opportunity.

She decided to upload the video onto TikTok to share the memorable moment and describes the response she received from users as "amazing".

“I have had thousands of people view my video and comment, like and share it," she says. "I've been sent lovely messages from people all over the world."

Clyde's beautiful engagement ring. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)
Clyde's beautiful engagement ring. (@lorraine_c1987/Caters News)

Clyde hopes that by sharing her story it will help to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and encourage others to look out for anything that isn't usual for them.

“If anyone has any symptoms that are not normal please don't ignore them," she adds. "Get to a doctor's for a checkup and don't be afraid to examine your breasts it could save your life.”

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. According to charity Coppafeel!, symptoms include:

  • Changes in skin texture (including puckering and dimpling)

  • Swelling of the armpit and around the collarbone

  • Lumps and thickening around the breast

  • Constant or unusual pain in the breast or armpit

  • Nipple discharge

  • A sudden or unusual change in size or shape

  • Nipple inversion or nipples that change direction

  • A rash or crusting of the nipple or surrounding areas

The NHS recommends looking at your breasts and feeling each breast and armpit, up to your collarbone. This might be easier to do in the bath or shower, using soapy water to make the process a little easier.

Alternatively, you could look in the mirror, swapping between having your arms by your side and having them raised.

Before checking, it's important to remember that everyone's breasts are different, whether you might be on your period (which can make them tender and lumpy), post-menopause (which can make them feel softer) or have one larger than the other.

The NHS Breast Screening Programme has produced a five-point plan:

  • Know what's normal for you

  • Look at your breasts and feel them

  • Know what changes to look for

  • Report any changes without delay

  • Attend your routine screening if you're 50 or over

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