Woman filmed racially attacking Asian Kiwi passengers on Auckland bus
A woman was filmed pushing and spitting at Asian Kiwi passengers during a racist meltdown on a bus traveling in Auckland, New Zealand, on Monday. Auckland Transport is investigating the incident and urging the public to report similar incidents.
What happened: The video, which was taken on a No. 70 bus near Auckland City Hospital, shows the woman yelling at Asian passengers to “go back” to their “own country,” pushing one man and spitting on another. A witness said she initially saw the woman counting as passengers got onto the bus outside the University of Auckland. “I was thinking, ‘Why is she counting?’, then when I was sitting down she got up to 11 and she said, ‘There’s too many f*cking Asians here.’ She was swearing and everything, and she’s like, ‘Go back to your country,’” the witness told the New Zealand Herald.
The big picture: The incident marks the second anti-Asian attack to occur in Auckland in less than a month. On June 28, a 39-year-old woman struck a 16-year-old Asian student with a metal rod on another Auckland bus, resulting in losses and damages of several teeth. “I took off my headphones and asked her politely if she was talking to me,” the boy told News.com.au. “Then I heard her shouting ‘f*ck’ and ‘ch*nk’ at me, which are words that are particularly discriminatory against Chinese people in the West.”
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