West Bank sees riots and attack despite talks

STORY: Burnt out cars and homes on Monday (February 27) morning - the aftermath of a settler rampage on the Palestinian village of Hawara overnight.

The mob violence partially eclipsed an earlier attack by a Palestinian gunman in the same village, which often sees friction with settlers.

He killed two Israeli brothers from a nearby settlement as they were driving.

Sunday's escalation came despite talks in the Jordanian port of Aqaba that were supposed to lower tensions, which had soared following a deadly Israeli raid in Nablus last week.

Ten-year-old Lamar Abusarees says her family's house was among those set alight.

"I got down on the floor then they started breaking the windows. My mother moved us to a corner because there was no safe place. They broke all the windows while we were inside."

Lamar's father says Israeli forces fired teargas, causing one of his children to pass out until firefighters rescued them.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he held the Israeli government fully responsible for the violence.

This is the junction where Sunday's shooting took place. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said soldiers were pursuing the attacker.

"I ask, even when the blood is boiling, that no one takes the law into their own hands," he said.

The Israeli army said it would send two more battalions to the area to thwart fresh attacks and prevent rioting.