Watchdogs Push for Jenna Ellis’ Disbarment Following 2020 Election Crimes

John Bazemore/Reuters
John Bazemore/Reuters

A former Donald Trump attorney who pleaded guilty in October to 2020 election crimes became the target of a disbarment request on Friday, according to The Denver Post. States United Democracy Center and Lawyers Defending American Democracy filed an official joint complaint against Jenna Ellis with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, a group in the Colorado Supreme Court that regulates the practice of law in the state. “The lies that Jenna Ellis helped spread about fraud and misconduct by Georgia voters and election administrators poisoned public trust in our elections, endangered election workers and threatened our democracy,” Gillian Feiner, the senior counsel at the States United Democracy Center, wrote in a statement. The two groups argued that Ellis broke her pledge as an attorney to uphold the law and did not accept responsibility for her decisions in her guilty plea, instead “cast[ing] her criminal conduct as a mere failure to conduct due diligence,” despite having “more than a decade of experience as a barred attorney.” A representative for Ellis did not respond to The Denver Post’s request for comment on Friday.

Read it at The Denver Post

Read more at The Daily Beast.