Watch wildlife photographer Chien C. Lee reveal hidden rainforest treasures with the iPhone 15 Pro (VIDEO)
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 — Apple’s latest commissioned ‘Shot on iPhone’ project is in our own backyard — specifically the rainforests of Borneo, shot by Chien C. Lee.
Biologist, environmental educator and now wildlife photographer, Lee has come a long way from his native California to now making Sarawak his home for most of the year, when he’s not off on expeditions to locales that include Panama and Sri Lanka.
His fascination with rainforests inspired his latest work, “Masters of Disguise”, about the mystery and hidden treasures of Borneo rainforests.
In a statement, Lee explained his fascination: “Everyone has their special place. For me, it’s the rainforest, home to more life than anywhere else on the planet. Not all the secrets of the forests are revealed at first glance. Many hide in plain sight. Some creatures seem more leaf-like than animal.
"I rely on images to share the wonder and importance of this vital ecosystem. Having the right camera in hand is essential. The 48MP of the iPhone helps me to push the limit of what the eye can see, making it easy to share the intricate details of these masters in disguise.”
Lee's shots and video highlight the wonders that might be hidden from you in Nature, unless you take a closer look.
Have fun trying to spot the following species in the post: Kinabalu Gliding Gecko, Long-nosed Horned Frog, as well as the Mossy Stick Insect.
You can also have a look at the behind-the-scenes process of the shoot here and see more of Chien's wildlife photos on his Instagram.