Watch: DNA test results for Peru’s mummified ‘alien’ humanoids unveiled

Watch again as the results of tests carried out on alleged "humanoid mummies" in Peru are unveiled on Friday, 12 January.

The Peruvian Ministry of Culture presented the results of an analysis of the shipment, which was allegedly intended to be sent illicitly to Mexico.

In October, staff found a cardboard box covered with sponges in the warehouses of the international logistics and transport company DHL in the Lima province of Callao.

The box contained two dolls dressed in fabrics and shoes with diamonds and lace ribbons.

They were uncovered and later found to be skeletal remains thought to be pre-Hispanic.

The "dolls" were seized and transferred to the Ministry of Culture's headquarters for verification and evaluation.

"We work to protect heritage. We are vigilant so that our goods do not leave," minister Leslie Urteaga said of the discovery.