Can voting in the UK election make you sexier? New research says 'Yes'

Can voting in the UK election make you sexier? New research says 'Yes'

It can be said that sex is a deeply political act. Who we have sex with and how are both political questions. But can politics itself be sexy?

Well, as the UK general election draws near, advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi have designed a new wonderfully promiscuous campaign to get young people to the polling booths and register by 18 June.

Their bold proposition? Voting makes you sexier.

Backed by new research commissioned just for the campaign, it turns out that 40% of 18-24 year-olds perceive regular voters as more attractive. Moreover, over half of the respondents associate voting with greater intelligence, and more than a third believe voters to be more trustworthy.

The research didn’t stop there. It also delved into the dating behaviours of voters versus non-voters. Apparently, 20% of people reckon non-voters are more likely to be rude to waiters, and 21% think they’re the types to dominate a first date and only talk about themselves.

Designs as part of the 'Voting is Hot AF' campaign
Designs as part of the 'Voting is Hot AF' campaign - Credit: Saatchi & Saatchi

The campaign comes in response to a glaring statistic - that approximately half of 18-34 year-olds voted at the 2019 general election, compared to nearly 80% of over-65s.

Titled 'Voting is Hot AF,' the initiative cleverly integrates elements of online dating culture. It reimagines the voting “X” check mark as a symbol of attraction, flirting with playful graphics featuring pixelated images and suggestive emojis, like the ever-popular aubergine.

Designs also include cheeky slogans such as “Get polled,” “Talk turnout to me,” and “18+ for a reason”.

“Finding the right message, at the right moment, to influence real behaviour change is when advertising is at its most powerful,” says Saatchi & Saatchi’s Franki Goodwin.

“It’s been extremely interesting mining dating and internet culture to find a real world upside to young people engaging in politics – a place that can often feel like the least attractive, least youthful place on earth and that’s not good for anyone.”

He’s not wrong. As the old saying goes - sex sells.

So, make sure to register to vote, let your voice be heard, and who knows, it might just lead you to your soulmate.