General election July 2024: do you need voter ID to vote?

For the first time in UK history, everybody who wishes to vote in person at a general election must show a correct form of ID before voting (PA Archive)
For the first time in UK history, everybody who wishes to vote in person at a general election must show a correct form of ID before voting (PA Archive)

For this year’s general election, there are a different set of requirements for those who wish to cast their vote.

For the first time in UK history, everybody who wishes to vote in person at a general election must show a correct form of ID before voting.

June 26 was the deadline to apply for a special ID certificate to vote in the general election on July 4.

Those in EnglandScotland, Wales and Northern Ireland without the proper identification needed to apply for a free voter ID document, called a Voter Authority Certificate, before the deadline.

Craig Westwood, director of communication, policy and research at the Electoral Commission, previously said: “The free ID ensures that everyone can take part in the general election, even if they don’t currently have an accepted form of photo ID.

“It is quick and easy to apply and there is information and support available from the Electoral Commission and your local authority.

“At every polling station, voters can ask to have their ID checked in private if they wish and polling station staff will check ID sensitively.”

But what must you do to prepare for the upcoming general election?

Here is what you need to do to take part.

How to register to vote

Firstly, you must register to vote.

According to the Electoral Commission, 18 per cent of London’s eligible adults were not on the electoral register in 2022.

Data showed that young people; black, Asian, minority ethnic and migrant Londoners, and private and social renters were all underrepresented on the electoral register.

The Greater London Authority has backed a motion to increase communication to get all voters registered in time for the election.

To register to vote, visit the Government’s website here.

You will receive a poll card with details of the upcoming election and where to vote.

A passport is acceptable as voter ID (PA Wire)
A passport is acceptable as voter ID (PA Wire)

What forms of ID will be accepted?

Voters in England must show photo identification to vote in some elections at polling stations.

This applies to:

  • UK parliamentary elections, including general elections, byelections and recall petitions;

  • Local elections and byelections;

  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

The Electoral Commission has a list of accepted forms of ID, which includes:

  • a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence (full or provisional);

  • a driving licence issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man or any of the Channel Islands;

  • a UK passport;

  • a passport issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or a Commonwealth country;

  • a PASS card (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme);

  • a Blue Badge;

  • a biometric residence permit (BRP);

  • a defence identity card (MoD form 90);

  • a national identity card issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein;

  • a Northern Ireland electoral identity card;

  • a voter authority certificate; and

  • an anonymous elector’s document.

Travel passes are also acceptable forms of ID, including the following:

  • an older person’s bus pass;

  • a disabled person’s bus pass;

  • an Oyster 60+ card;

  • a freedom pass;

  • a Scottish National Entitlement Card (NEC);

  • a 60-and-over Welsh concessionary travel card;

  • a disabled person’s Welsh concessionary travel card; and

  • a Northern Ireland concessionary travel pass.

You can still use your ID to vote if it has expired. However, it must look like you and bear your current legal name.

The move to introduce voter ID has been controversial, especially considering a study from September that showed one in four Londoners were in the dark about the new requirement.

The Government said the vast majority of voters easily voted in May’s local elections, when the requirement to show officially approved ID was introduced in England in the biggest change to in-person voting in 150 years.

Ministers said the change was needed to combat possible voter impersonation. Opponents stress there is barely any evidence of voter fraud in Britain, with only nine convictions out of tens of millions of ballots cast in the past five years.