When Vladimir Putin is expected to launch ‘unstoppable’ nuclear Satan-2 missile

The firing may even be timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Russia Ukraine war  (AP)
The firing may even be timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Russia Ukraine war (AP)

The dates that Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to launch an ‘unstoppable’ nuclear Satan-2 missile have been revealed.

The tyrant is tipped to be readying the missile to shock the West, as he plans to test launch his 208-tonne hypersonic Satan-2 apocalypse missile within days.

The firing of the explosive, which is capable of carrying nuclear warheads, may coincide with the anniversary of the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022.

Putin has said that ‘no defense systems’ will be able to defend the Satan-2 (EPA)
Putin has said that ‘no defense systems’ will be able to defend the Satan-2 (EPA)

Reportedly, military insiders say that they have been warned to expect the launch of the “unstoppable” Satan-2 missile between February 15 and 25.

Also known as the Sarmat to Russians, officials in remote districts of Kamchatka, a peninsula in the Russian Far East, have been urged to prepare themselves for its test launch.

It will be targeted at Kura test range, where restrictions on movements for local residents will be put in place in three districts.

The test range is a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile impact area located in northern Kamchatka Krai in the Russian Far East.

Military insiders also say that the expected launch may simply be a test to see how “unstoppable” the Satan-2 is, despite unexplained delays in the development of the “big beast” weapon.

A Satan-2 missile is estimated to be 116 feet, capable of carrying 15 nuclear warheads simultaneously. Its reach is capable of destroying the United Kingdom within six minutes, even from a distance of 1,600 miles.

In April 2022, Russia conducted a first test launch of its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service)
In April 2022, Russia conducted a first test launch of its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service)

It has also been suggested on the MilitaryRussia.ru Telegram channel that Putin could stage test launches of the Bulava or Yars, which is a development of the Topol missile.

Previously, the intercontinental ballistic missile was hailed by the Russian despot as being able to fly over the North or South Poles and strike any target in the world.

Speaking about the missile in March 2018, during his state-of-the-nation speech, Putin said: “No defense systems will be able to withstand it.”

News of the tests follows reports that Russia is massing 1,800 tanks, 700 aircraft, and a whopping 500,000 men for a new Ukraine assault in just 10 days, according to a Ukrainian official.

Foreign Policy has also reported that Putin is also gathering 2,700 artillery guns and 810 rocket launchers for a “new wave of attacks”.

An official added: “It’s much bigger than what took place in the first wave.”

This comes following Vlodomyr Zelensky’s visit to the UK this week, where he pleaded for more jets to help his fight against the Russian army in his country.

Putin is believed to be preparing for a massive new offensive.

The new assault is feared to be “much bigger” than last year, when Russian troops first stormed across Ukraine and towards Kyiv.