Wyoming Deputy Pulls Deer From Icy Pond

A sheriff’s deputy lassoed a deer and pulled it to safety after it fell into a pond covered partially in ice in Daniel, Wyoming, on Tuesday, December 10.

According to the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Justin Hays was on patrol in Daniel when he came across the deer struggling to free itself from the icy pond.

After he radioed in the help of fellow deputy Josh Peterson, Hays tied rope to a tree before he attempted to lasso the deer.

Bodycam footage released by the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office shows Hays throwing the rope over the deer before gently pulling it to safety.

The deer was taken to a nearby black top driveway where the deputies hoped it might warm up. When Hays went to check on the deer a few hours later, it was gone, the sheriff’s office said. Credit: Sublette County Sheriff’s Office via Storyful