Deputy Revives Baby After Crash in West Florida

A Florida deputy is being praised for saving the life of a six-month-old baby, after pulling the infant from a crashed car and reviving her, as her mother looked on in anguish.

On February 8, Sgt Dave Musgrove’s cruiser was passed by a speeding motorcycle. Seconds later, it crashed into the car carrying baby Lola, her sister, and her mother.

Bodycam footage released by the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office shows the horrific scene that greeted Musgrove, when he found the motorcyclist’s dead body on top of Lola’s baby seat, the infant trapped and unconscious inside.

After removing Lola’s sister and giving her to a motorist he asked for help, Musgrove managed to free Lola, as her panicked mother screamed and cried. He then performed chest compressions until he could see Lola was breathing again.

Lola has been having treatment since the near-fatal crash, her family told WINK News.

Her grandfather, Tim Foley, told the outlet she has been having less frequent seizures, and “the mobility in her legs and arms has improved.”

“Her color’s better," Foley said, "and a lot of the swelling on the side of her head has gone down. We’re just really encouraged at this point.”

Sheriff Bill Prummell praised Musgrove’s intervention. “His poise and calm demeanor in a scene of chaos and tragedy ultimately saved the life of a beautiful child,” he said. Credit: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office via Storyful

Video transcript

- [INAUDIBLE] I got a signal for motorcyclist. He's going to be-- I got to find him first. Send EMS, McCall and Sunnybrook area.

Oh man. Hold on. Hold on.

Let me get you guys out of there. Let me-- hey, sweetheart. Come here.

Come here, sweetheart. Come here, sweetheart. Come here, sweetheart.

Come here, sweetheart. Come here. I know, ma'am. I'm helping you. I'm trying to help you.

- [INAUDIBLE] my baby.

- Come here. Come here, sweetheart. Come here.

Come on, ma'am. I'm going to come back, get the other one. Hold on.

Hey, come here, come here. Please. Please. Hey, sir!

Come help me, please. Please. Please. I need you to hold this little girl, please.

- Yes, sir. I got you, [INAUDIBLE].

- Thank you. I'm coming. I know. I'm coming, ma'am.

- Oh, no, my baby.

- OK. Is your baby OK?

- No. She's right there. No. No.

- Hey, sir. Can you try to help us?

- Yeah.

- All right.

- My baby. I need my baby.

- You got a pulse?

- What am I going to do?

- One's going to be an infant, probably signal seven. The motorcyclist, signal seven. Please send the EMS [INAUDIBLE].

- Oh, my baby. Is she dead? Is she dead?

- I--


- Is she alive? Is she alive? Is she alive?

- Let me check, ma'am.

- Is she alive? No, sir, sir, is she alive?

- Let me check.

- I just [INAUDIBLE]. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't--

- Come here, sweetheart.


- Is she alive?

- Let me check. Let me check.

- No, no, no, no, no, no. I can't do this. I can't do this.

I need to call somebody. I need a phone number. I need a phone.

I can't-- I can't do this. I need my baby. She's dead.

- Come on. Come on. Come on.

- Oh no.

- Come on.

- Come on--

- No.

- OK, hold on [INAUDIBLE].

- Please, calm down.

- No!

- Where's the other baby?

- Calm down.


- I just heard her breathe. Come on.

- Yeah.

- On the infant?

- Yeah.

- On an infant?

- Yeah.

- There's a pulse?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- OK. Can you tell mom?


- Hey, Burke. Burke, they have a pulse just so you know. Can you let mom know?