Video of cat visiting late owner’s grave in Kelantan goes viral, touching hearts of social media users (VIDEO)

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 — A video of a cat named Mochi, visiting and ‘reconnecting’ with its late owner at his grave has touched the hearts of local social media users.

The 21-second video was shared recently on TikTok by Nur Salsabiha Mohd Sobri Yusoff. She is the wife of late Royal Malaysian Navy officer Mohd Faizul Malik.

The video showed Mochi dressed in pink, resting on its owner’s grave and showing signs of contentment.

“Hi abi, Mochi’s here to visit you my love. She misses you and this visit cured her longing for you abi,” Salsabiha wrote in the caption.

According to Harian Metro, Faizul lost his life on March 16 after being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident just a day before.

Salsabiha said that her late husband was a huge cat lover up to the point he would address himself as ‘abi’ (father) and her as ‘umi’ (mother) when talking to Mochi.

She also shared that Mochi and Faizul were really close with each other. After Faizul was stationed in Langkawi, he brought Mochi which was still a kitten at that time to live with him.

“After my husband passed away, I took Mochi to come back and live with me. But it was clear to me that Mochi was sad, like she was waiting for someone and she’s not as active as she used to be,” she said.


Hi abi, mochi dtg jumpa abi ni syg. Terubat rindu dia kat abi.

original sound - who?

That’s when she decided to bring Mochi to her late husband’s hometown in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, where Faizul was laid to rest.

Salsabiha added that once she brought Mochi to her husband’s grave, the orange feline immediately went to smell the ground where Faizul was buried and kissed the tombstone.

Since the visit, she said that Mochi has returned to her old self and is active again.

Salsabiha’s TikTok video has been viewed over 270,000 times since it was shared earlier this week.

It has also garnered over 60,000 likes, with over 600 comments from local social media users who were touched by Mochi’s gestures.

“I’m saddened by this, even animals have love,” commented user @Nursabariah.

“Look at how she misses her owner. Al-Fatihah,” added user @ChikkkAiinn.