Venezuelans demand action over 'miserable' wages

STORY: Waving Venezuelan flags and banners with out-of-circulation bolivar banknotes, protesters marched through the streets of downtown Caracas to the headquarters of the Ombudsman's Office.

"We are here today at this rally, the sectors of health, education, the retired, and pensioners, demanding decent salaries," said Carmen Marquez, president of a teachers' union.

"We demand that the education minister discusses and signs the collective bargaining agreement as soon as possible. The collective contract must be rescheduled because the increases that we requested last year have been eaten up by inflation," she added.

High inflation and Venezuela's gradual shift to the dollar are widening the wage gap between public and private sector workers.

Annual inflation in the year through October hit 155%, according to Reuters calculations using central bank data, the highest rate in the region.