US Ambassador Jane Hartley brews up tea v coffee truce amid transatlantic tensions

US Ambassador to London Jane Hartley has a diplomatic answer to the Great Coffee v Tea Debate: she likes both, and definitely doesn’t microwave the Great British Cuppa.

Joe Biden’s representative to the Court of St James’s neatly avoided falling into one of the great transatlantic traps when she was asked by Sky News’ Kay Burley for her preferred beverage.

“I have a cup of coffee in the morning because I need it to get up,” she said in an interview broadcast on Monday.

“And then I have English Breakfast Tea the rest of the day - and I don't put it in the microwave!” the envoy added, evoking one spat that periodically enrages tea devotees on social media.

Ms Hartley’s comments came after her Embassy was forced to make a fence-mending statement recently over an American scientist’s advice to add a pinch of salt to cups of tea.

But the diplomats kept their tongue in cheek by stressing: “The US Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way — by microwaving it.”

The UK Government was compelled to respond. “We appreciate our Special Relationship, however, we must disagree wholeheartedly... Tea can only be made using a kettle,” it tweeted.

It was not the only area to leave the ambassador facing a tricky choice in a quickfire round of questions posed by Ms Burley.

Unpatriotically, she chose the Beatles over the Beach Boys and the Cotswolds over the Hamptons - but opted for Franklin D. Roosevelt over Winston Churchill.

“But it should tell you how I feel about Churchill - I have a huge portrait of Churchill behind my desk in my office,” Ms Hartley said.