I underestimated Rishi Sunak. He’s an excellent debater

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the ITV leaders' debate, taking on Labour leader Keir Starmer
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the ITV leaders' debate, taking on Labour leader Keir Starmer

Things have improved for the Tories. That’s right, I’m talking about Rishi Sunak’s better-than-expected performance on ITV’s sinister Death Star set this evening, during which he faced a Keir Starmer who seemed to default rather too frequently to muttering “nonsense”.

Campaigning is about communicating simple and memorable messages, but the challenge is to know when to stop. Boris’s “get Brexit done” worked brilliantly; Theresa May’s “strong and stable”, not so much.

This evening, Sunak got it right. He might have told us one too many times that he had a “clear plan”, but he got away with it. If there was a single message that the public will take away from the first prime ministerial debate, however, it was that a Labour government would mean raising taxes by £2,000 per household.

Whether it was true or not almost didn’t matter. Sunak drummed it home but didn’t bash the audience over the head with it, successfully painting his opponent as the harbinger of higher taxes while the Prime Minister came across as relatively prudent – quite an achievement for the man who presided over the highest tax burden in living memory.

After a week like this, which was dominated by Nigel Farage, the first task for the Prime Minister is to energise his base. Above all else, he needs to win back support from Reform. For this to work, he needs to convince voters that a Tory government would resemble something approaching a Right wing-administration. That means one key message: Taxes are going to come down.

On other matters, too, Sunak held his own. On defence, he emphasised his unequivocal support for our nuclear deterrent, unlike certain deputy leaders of the Labour party. On immigration, he successfully drew clear water between his Rwanda plan – at least it’s a plan – and Sir Keir’s promise to “smash the criminal gangs” without a clear idea about how to deal with the migrants themselves. He even did reasonably well on the NHS, matching his opponent’s claims to have the health system in his “DNA” with a backstory of his own.

On national service, the Prime Minister took a beating, having to face scoffing and laughter from the audience as he extolled the virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifice. But polling has shown that the idea has gone down surprisingly well with the country, particularly with Tory voters. So perhaps the mockery will sting some of Sunak’s beleaguered base to vote Tory rather than Reform.

Aside from that moment of mirth at the Prime Minister’s expense, the audience was oddly comatose. It clearly took some effort to rouse them to applause, but one of the few moments that succeeded was Sunak’s zinger: “If you think Labour are going to win, start saving.” Was it scripted? Probably, but he carried it off. The cut-and-thrust that followed ended with another decisive statement from the Prime Minister: “He’s going to put up your taxes, as surely as night follows day.”

Ramming this message home worked.