Uncertainty continues for the future of Saint John fabric outlet

The Fabricville store in the Parkway Mall, seen here in 2016, closed in September, but fabric lovers kept their hopes up as the corporation searched for a new location.  (Google Maps - image credit)
The Fabricville store in the Parkway Mall, seen here in 2016, closed in September, but fabric lovers kept their hopes up as the corporation searched for a new location. (Google Maps - image credit)

For Saint John seamstresses, tailors and costume designers, and people who just love to sew, a Facebook post from the local Fabricville outlet came as a huge disappointment.

Back in September, Fabricville #82 Saint John said in a post that it was closing and was looking for a new location. But last week, the store posted that, "despite our best efforts," a new location had not been found.

The post garnered nearly a hundred comments and shares from community members. But after it had been up for days, Fabricville's corporate Facebook account commented, telling people the search wasn't over.

"We want to assure our Saint John customers that our search for a new location in our city continues," the comment said.


"Although it has been a long process, we have not given up."

Fabricville's Facebook page commented on the post from the local page to say that the company was still looking at locations in Saint John. This was later confirmed as well on the phone to CBC News.
Fabricville's Facebook page commented on the post from the local page to say that the company was still looking at locations in Saint John. This was later confirmed as well on the phone to CBC News.

Fabricville's Facebook page commented on the post from the local page to say that the company is still looking at locations in Saint John. This was later confirmed as well on the phone to CBC News. (Fabricville/Facebook)

The post also encouraged Fabricville customers of the east Saint John store to use the Moncton and Fredericton locations in the meantime.

CBC News sent a Facebook message to the local page and was told to contact head office.

Ricki Carr, Fabricville vice-president, said it is true that the chain is still looking for a location in Saint John. She did not say how the information was misconstrued and resulted in a Facebook post that said a location could not be found.

She also wouldn't speak to why the Parkway Mall location had to close in the first place.


Carr said discussions are still being had and the company's intention is to move forward with a new location, but she would not share any other details.

Theatre director misses ease of access

When the local store first announced the closure of the mall location in September, the artistic director of the theatre company KV Players, and self-proclaimed Fabricville frequent flyer, Suzanne Doyle-Yerxa, said her phone blew up.

"I first thought this can't really be real. This is Fabricville. I've been going there since it was in Haymarket Square."

Doyle-Yerxa rememebrs driving into the Fabricville parking lot last September, misinformed about the exact last day. Upon seeing signs, she darted out of her car toward the door only to realize that it had already officially closed.

In September, Fabricville #82 Saint John posted on its Facebook page showing a notice that said the store would be closed while the company continued to look for a new location in Saint John.
In September, Fabricville #82 Saint John posted on its Facebook page showing a notice that said the store would be closed while the company continued to look for a new location in Saint John.

In September, Fabricville #82 Saint John posted on its Facebook page showing a notice that said the store would be closed while the company continued to look for a new location in Saint John. (Fabricville #82 Saint John/Facebook)


As she walked back to her car, she realized that in her hurry, she had locked her keys in the vehicle. So, she called a tow truck and sat on the store's steps to wait.

"While I waited for the tow truck … the regional manager actually came up … and said, 'No matter how long you sit here, we're not going to reopen.'"

Doyle-Yerxa said not having a location in Saint John means extra steps to secure fabrics for theatre costumes.

Making your own clothes … is kind of a lost art - KV Players artistic director Suzanne Doyle-Yerxa

She said during the "big buys" for musicals, the process of picking fabrics, laying them out and making the right choices can be a huge undertaking, so it will likely involve an overnight trip to Fredericton.

It also eliminates her ability to quickly run to the store just before a show to get any last minute fabric.


There are a few local stores, said Doyle-Yerxa, but she said a lot of places don't carry the variety needed for a full-scale musical.

But while she knows people who love the store on a personal level, she admitted that it is a niche interest.

"Making your own clothes … is kind of a lost art," she said.

"Unless you're going to be a quilter, there's not really an incentive to just sew now anymore in the Saint John area, because you can't get the materials you need."