Tomok hopes to further his studies after getting his degree

29 Nov - Now that he is a degree holder, Tomok hopes to continue his studies further by getting a Master's degree.

The 39-year-old singer, who received his degree seven years since he started his studies in Universiti Utara Malaysia, stated that the feeling of going on stage to receive his scroll was a feeling like no other.

"It made me want to even further my studies. I want to prove that age is not a barrier for anybody to continue to gain knowledge," he said.

At the same time, Tomok, real name Shah Indrawan Ismail, wants to also be a good example to his three children and to show them how important it is to be educated.

Tomok wants to be a role model to his three kids
Tomok wants to be a role model to his three kids

"I want to be the best role model for my children. I want them to study hard and follow my footsteps," he said. "I was mischievous during my youth, and never thought about going to college. But I began to think about my life when I got married. Education is a way to improve oneself."

The singer, who is currently competing in "All Stars Gegar Vaganza", now holds a Bachelor's degree in Creative Industry Management, and attended the convocation that was held at UUM Sintok, Kedah last weekend.

(Photo Source: Tomok IG)