Terengganu family accidentally leaves son at R&R stop, gets reunited with the help of kind stranger

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 3 — A family from Terengganu who were on their way to enrol their son at a university accidentally left him behind at a Rest and Service (R&R) stop in Kijal, Terengganu.

The family only noticed the son was missing after they had left the stop and when the son called his mother telling her that he was still at the R&R.

The incident was shared by TikTok user KA Garage or his real name Mohammad Khairul Azmi Ghazali, who’s also the boy’s brother.

In the 56-second video, Khairul and his family who were in two vehicles were seen pulling up by the roadside of the Pantai Timur Highway moments after his mother realised that his brother was missing.

Khairul wrote in the video that they didn’t realise that his brother, who was going to enrol at the International Islamic University in Gambang, had gone to the bathroom while they were at the R&R.

“After we went to the bathroom (at the R&R), we just drove away until my brother called my mum asking her ‘why did you leave me behind? I’m still at the R&R’.

“That was the moment my mother realised that my brother was not in the backseat,” Khairul wrote in the video.


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Speaking to portal mStar, Khairul said that he and his family had driven about a kilometre before his brother called them.

All of them thought that his brother had stayed in the vehicle during their stop.

Luckily for his brother, another road user agreed to drop him off at the location where his family was waiting.

Khairul’s video has been viewed three million times on TikTok with local social media users amused by the whole incident.

Other social media users also took the chance to share their own similar experiences in the comment section.

“My dad left me and my little brother at a Petronas. Luckily I had my phone with me at that time,” TikTok user annaiff3 commented.

“I’ve joined a convoy from Perlis to Melaka once via bus to go for a wedding reception.

“All of us villagers were on the bus but we forgot about the head of the villager and left him at an R&R stop.

“Needless to say he was sulking after we picked him up,” commented user HarleyQuinzel.