Syamsul Yusof has no problem seeing his kids despite ongoing divorce case

7 Apr – Despite marital issue with Puteri Sarah Liyana, Syamsul Yusof recently stated that there has been no issue for him to see his two children, Syaikhul Islam and Sumayyah.

The filmmaker, who recently shared photos of him spending time with his two children, stated that he has not been forbidden from seeing their kids no matter what the issue is between him and the children's mother.

"Puteri Sarah gave good cooperation even though she filed for custody of them. She doesn't need to worry about anything. Despite our problem, we are professional when it comes to our children," he said.

Syamsul said that he actually has seen his children several times before, though he didn't share it on social media.

However, when asked about his Eid plans, Syamsul said that he'd rather not share it with the public.

"To me, there is no reason to share with others about my family. The same goes to my relationship with my kids. That's between me and my wife," he added.

The estranged couple have two children together
The estranged couple have two children together

(Photo Source: Puteri Sarah Liyana IG, Syamsul Yusof IG)