Suspect arrested after second Serbian mass shooting

STORY: Heavily armed police established a checkpoint and searched incoming traffic inside the Serbian village of Dubona, 26 miles south of Belgrade, on Friday as armored police SUVs and black vans circled the area.

State broadcaster RTS said the suspect, a young man, had been involved in an altercation in a school yard.

He left and then returned with an assault rifle and a handgun, opened fire and continued to shoot at people at random from a moving car.

"I don't know what to say. I am shocked," said Danijela, a middle-aged woman in Dubona who knew some of the victims. "My daughter is taking sedatives, we could not sleep all night, they grew up together."

The shooting comes less than 48 hours after a 13-year-old boy shot dead nine and injured seven at a school in Belgrade before turning himself in.