Surprise Titanfall 2 Update Sparks Sequel Speculation

Two mechs fight each other.
Two mechs fight each other.

A surprise update to the mostly dormant 2016 PS4-era shooter Titanfall 2 has certain fans of the series abuzz with the idea that it portends…something…pertaining to a possible third chapter in the highly regarded mech shooter series. The update certainly contains some interesting stuff, including references to the number three if you’re willing to go that far. It’s weird for sure, but take a dose of skeptic juice as we break it all down.

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Then folks noticed the patch notes for the most recent update to Apex Legends contained three sets of numbers, with each of them translating to the release dates for the first Titanfall, its sequel, and Apex Legends.

It didn’t end there. Respawn added a new game type to Titanfall 2’s multiplayer this past Monday, September 18. A game type selection that hadn’t changed for several years now featured a new mode icon accompanied with three question marks, “???”

The new multiplayer mode, which pits players against one another equipped with all-you-can-fire rockets, also contains an interesting description:

Your rockets will blot out the sun.

As folks have pointed out, that phrase is strikingly close to a quote from the 2007 movie 300—a movie whose title begins with the number three.

Titanfall conspiracy theories begin to brew

Ravenous for a follow-up to Titanfall 2, fans have taken to scouring the internet to figure out if there’s any other weird stuff going on and, well, since they want to see evidence of something going on in the Titanfall space, folks sure are finding it. In particular, some unlisted YouTube videos and social media activity from Vince Zampella, head of Respawn Entertainment, are catching attention.

Whether said in jest or as serious “evidence”, we need to splash a bit of cold water on some of this. Yes, while it is true that the channel has some unlisted videos (as many have pointed out)’s Wayback Machine indicates that they’ve been there for years now. Further detective work has revealed that these unlisted videos are for old Titanfall 2 trailers. So, nothingburger on that front.

In addition, Vince Zampella randomly liking a post that advocates for a future Titanfall game is hardly surprising. Zampella has publicly stated that he’d “love to see” a future game in the wall-runny, mech-stompy franchise.

Excitement in Titanfall 2 resurges

All of this has caused a bit of a surge in Titanfall 2 interest. The game is once again trending on social media.

While Titanfall 2 hasn’t broken into even the top 25 most-played games on Steam, it has seen an uptick in player count, breaching 25k active players most recently.

Kotaku has reached out to Respawn and EA for comment.

Titanfall 2 has maintained an adoring, though small, fanbase since its release. Hope for a follow-up now matches the fervor surrounding many other much-desired yet AWOL video game sequels. And while I welcome a new multiplayer mode in Titanfall 2, what I really want is an update that kills the damn EA launcher and lets you use 4K without editing the .ini file. A girl can dream.

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