Super Bowl LVII tickets have plummeted 30 percent since Sunday and might become cheaper than last year

PHOENIX — The inventory in Super Bowl LVII tickets has started to pile up this week, and prices have steadily shown it.

After coming into this week hot, tickets to watch the Kansas City Chiefs face the Philadelphia Eagles have gradually declined in price in every 24-hour window since Sunday night. The resulting slide has driven “get in” prices for the cheapest possible seats down 30% — from nearly $6,000 late Sunday to around $4,200 Thursday afternoon, according to data from multiple secondary ticket platforms.

The reason? Daily inventory across the market saw nearly a 31% increase in available tickets from Saturday to Tuesday, from around 2,600 available seats to nearly 3,400, according to data from online marketplace TicketIQ.

“With the price drop, Super Bowl 57 is the fifth-most expensive Super Bowl we’ve tracked, after spending much of the last week and a half in the No. 2 spot,” TicketIQ CEO Jesse Lawrence said.

Interestingly, the marketplace’s data now puts this year’s Super Bowl in a virtual dead heat with last year’s in average ticket price (plus brokerage fees), with Super Bowl LVI settling in at $6,750 per seat versus $6,783 for Super Bowl LVII as of Thursday afternoon.

After a hot start, the Super Bowl LVII ticket market is cooling off considerably. (REUTERS/Caitlin O’Hara)
After a hot start, the Super Bowl LVII ticket market is cooling off considerably. (REUTERS/Caitlin O’Hara)

While some other sites have slightly varying data on that average, the numbers all generally agree: It’s possible this year’s average ticket price could slip below last season's and end up as the cheapest average ticket since the New England Patriots faced the Los Angeles Rams in Atlanta in Super Bowl LIII. The average ticket price that season was $5,653, according to TicketIQ data. This year's “get in” price of $4,259 would still have to drop considerably to slide under the cheapest seats in last year’s game, which leveled off and settled at $3,914.

Will the prices get any cheaper? That ultimately depends on how demand impacts inventory over the next three days. The available seats on the market appeared to level off after peaking at just over 3,400 on Tuesday and were hovering steadily at 3,200 as of Thursday afternoon. That’s a fairly solid level of inventory, but there is some expectation that there could be an influx of late-arriving buyers starting Thursday, as holdouts who didn’t plan to spend extra vacation time in the Phoenix area will be getting to town in the next 48 hours and looking to secure seats.

“With just three days until game day, we are seeing sales pick up each day and prices drop — the last 24 hours saw the biggest jump in sales than any other 24-hour period this week on StubHub,” StubHub director of partnerships and business development Adam Budelli said. “We expect to see ticket prices level out, so if you see a ticket in your price point, we recommend you buy now, as you never know how long that ticket will last.”