Sun Li sparks argument among netizens over "chosen worker" post

10 Jul - It is rare for someone as beloved as Sun Li to spark netizens' anger and a big debate between fans and haters, but that she did.

The whole issue sparked on 5 July, when the actress made her usual post updating on her work, saying that everybody on set was still having to shoot wearing autumn clothes despite being summer time.

"I saw the other actors, and they began to sweat five seconds after they had their makeup, and the sweat dripped down faster than tears. They all asked me curiously, aren't you hot? Why didn't you sweat at all on your face?" she posted.

"How to say, as long as I put on makeup, the pores on my face began to understand that I was going to work. Even if I was soaked to the skin, I didn't have a drop of sweat on my face."

However, Sun Li admitted that when it wasn't time for work and when she wasn't wearing makeup, she would sweat all over her face.

"Everybody agrees that I am the chosen worker," she joked.

The post, however, seemed to rub some people the wrong way, with many saying that she shouldn't complain about hardship when she makes tons of money filming one movie or drama.

"You earn more in a day than an average person earns in a year. Anyone would not be afraid of the heat," said one netizen.

Another posted, "Think about the farmers in the greenhouse effect. They are in the same situation, but they are the chosen workers, and you are a worker paid at a sky-high price."

Meanwhile, others defended the actress, saying Sun Li wasn't complaining but was just sharing a funny story.

"She didn't say how hard she worked. She just said her face doesn't sweat easily but you guys made a big deal out of it. If you have nothing to do, why don't you find a part-time job?" said one fan.

Another said, "This is not a way of playing sympathy, she just said it was hot to highlight that she doesn't sweat at work... Although I also hate the high income of celebrities, there is nothing to judge about her statement."

(Photo Source: Oriental Daily)