‘The site sucks’: Tucker Carlson trashes Fox Nation in leaked video

Tucker Carlson trashing Fox News’ streaming platform, Fox Nation, in a leaked video obtained by Media Matters (screengrab/Media Matters)
Tucker Carlson trashing Fox News’ streaming platform, Fox Nation, in a leaked video obtained by Media Matters (screengrab/Media Matters)

Tucker Carlson reportedly based Fox News’ digital streaming platform, Fox Nation, prior to his firing, according to a recent report.

A video has emerged of Carlson complaining about the “unbelievable” failings of the streaming platform around the time the network was holding water for alleged sex trafficker and social media influencer Andrew Tate.

Carlson said that “nobody watches Fox Nation because the site sucks,” and frequently doesn’t “work,” Media Matters reports.

He said the site was a “betrayal of our efforts” and that he would rather just post his content to YouTube.

In the video, Carlson is speaking on the phone while on the set of his Tucker Carlson Today streaming show. He tells the individual on the other end of the call that he is about to be acting as “a representative of the American media now, speaking to an exile in Romania and welcoming him back into the brotherhood of journalists,” referring to Tate.

Carlson is reportedly asked to wear a suit because his interview subject, Tate, was “panicking” about having to wear a suit. Carlson reportedly bristles at the idea, saying he wants the interview to “look official” and not like “bro talk.”